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  1. R

    Paint issues or somebody was there

    Hi everyone. I looked under the bonnet of my 2021 mk8 ehybrid today to do some maintenance and noticed some strange discoloration on right and left fenders bolts (and some strange plastic wrapper around the bonnet cable later). So now I’m curious is it some defect from factory or previous...
  2. R

    Electric Drive not working correctly Fault

    Thank you. It’s relieving. I was worried that something goes wrong with ICE mechanically, but couldn’t find anyone with such specific noise online, especially on hybrid. And a queue to the dealer here in NL can take months)
  3. R

    Electric Drive not working correctly Fault

    Hi Massimo. Sorry for bringing up the old topic. I’m an owner of eHybrid and started hearing the rattling noise, just like on your video in the message #3, on the cold starts of ICE. It goes away in a minute or so till the next day. Curious did you address this issue and what it was if so...