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  1. gfox33

    Food Porn Thread

    Is a PB and J with a 40 Oz food porn worthy?
  2. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    We have roaches in our apartment... Someone's getting punched in the throat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. gfox33

    The College Thread

    Off campus life is fantastic. Who needs real food anyways? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    Holy hangover city. Fuck. And the frat fucks above us are so damn loud.
  5. gfox33

    The College Thread

    Haha we had a girl last year say the civil war was a war between the Indians and Americans. Finally in the apartment and we had a great first night. Im just hoping this freedom doesnt come back to bite me in the ass.
  6. gfox33

    Movies Chat Thread

    Ill defintely be seeing this one. LmLvpSOh1QA
  7. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    I actually got paired up with a couple of paramedics at the golf course yesterday. They had some hilarious stories as well.
  8. gfox33

    Food Porn Thread

    By far the best burgers Ive made to date. Mmmm beer burgers
  9. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    Im loving this weather. I couldnt ask for anything nicer for the coming weekend.
  10. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    Thoughts? I really want these but Im hesitant...
  11. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    Loooool this is universally true. Doesn't matter what school. No, I'm not in pike. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    Thats what I was telling myself. Everyone has their own tastes in music, but a couple of these that Im just listening to now are just noise. HERIELEKMRLKEMRLFJN!!!!! Its just so bad. Oh, well I never have to listen to it again. Im off to bed. Actually, quick story. The other night I dreamt...
  13. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    From the Beatles remix down. GARBAGE. Even the first one of this page is questionable. And Im a fan of electrohouse and the like.
  14. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    Some of the shit that passes for music these days is fucking garbage. Uhg Im getting so mad listening to some of this stuff
  15. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    The first one posted had much more than just the water pump replaced. With the 2.0, the water pump going doesnt scare me at all, but having the turbo replaced/repaired twice, then having the entire motor pulled, along with alll the other work that was done... Id call it a lemon. Look how often...
  16. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    What a lemon. No thanks.
  17. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    Why can't I what? Drunk on a Monday. I feel like this is turning into a regular occurrence. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. gfox33

    Official Gargle Balls #8

    These next 9 days are going to feel like forEVER. I have only 4 desires right now: eat, drink, smoke weed, and fornicate. 3 out of the 4 are soo much easier to do at school... in 9 days.
  19. gfox33

    The College Thread

    What school do you go to? Thats usually the case when you go to a big research university.
  20. gfox33

    The College Thread

    Same. We had about 40 in my graduating class and now I have big 300 student lectures. The only plus to going to such a small high school was the relationships I had with my teachers but thats turning out to be something I have at a large college too.