Search results

  1. Qwibby

    Cigar Smokers

    Anyone else here enjoy a cigar here and there? I smoke cigars when I have the time. This weekend I was able to sneak in 2 cigars, first I've had in months. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Qwibby

    Work Place Chat

    So who of us here can get on the forums at work? Introduce yourself and tell us what you do? Everyone just calls me Qwibby And I sell stuff. Removing my workplace in case they use it against me
  3. Qwibby

    Older Crash Game.. Help Me Remember!

    Many years ago I played this game where you had a dummy and you could place him in different areas on a truck. You ran this truck into a stop and launched the dummy and got points for different simulated injuries. There was also another version of this game where you threw him down stairs...