Autocross Champion
I do know Musks' upbringing, doesn't make it a crime to come from a wealthy family and then multiply your wealth by creating jobs and innovations. Is it not fact that he has added to society? I will agree GTIfan about the labor laws. That stuff is horrible (the heavy metal mining in other countries is in many, if not all, cases slavery).Damnit, you lured me in.
Ok, first, Musk: please do some basic googling about how he actually got his start, who his family is, and how he got money to invest in the first place. I'll leave it at that.
As for the rest, I'm not going to argue with you, but some difficult questions that it would benefit you to ponder:
How can you achieve equality of opportunity without also having some level of redistribution of assets? People with the means will always look for ways to help their children by providing them more opportunities that other people don't have access to.
You stated that "people can be whatever they want", but what if they can't? I assume you're a person of above average intelligence and based on what I know about you, you've likely spent most of your life around similarly smart people, but as your world expands, you will likely meet many more people of average or below average intelligence and you will be astonished by how dumb the average person actually is and rightly worried when it dawns on you that half the population is then dumber than that. No amount of hard work is going to get the guy born with an IQ of 78 to be an engineer or programmer, let alone something like a neurosurgeon. There are huge swaths of the population who quite literally do not possess the intelligence to become more educated or do better then menial labor; do they deserve to live in poverty?
It's only ~15% that have IQ lower than 85 (1 standard deviation lower and everything below that) not half. IQ less than 78 is even lower than that ~7.12%
"How can you achieve equality of opportunity without also having some level of redistribution of assets?"
I got lost reading about this (30 min deep, my pbnj is getting stale lol... now 1hr30 in). Simplest way I grasp equality of opportunity (not an economist/philosopher, just a 20 yr old) is being treated equally under the law. The last point, being the most important (remember - right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness).
I've typed a few responses and then deleted them because I'm still lost... what do you mean "redistribution of assets" get specific. Do you mean, distributing good and bad teachers to get a fair share in each school? Do you mean, distributing cops equally among all counties in a state so that people are protected the same everywhere? I think we both know that this is impossible.
Governments have not been ensuring living wages? What the hell is minimum wage for then? (I have some beliefs about minimum wage too, but I won't get into 'em for sake of wasting my fucking time today too much)Dude is rich because he started rich, gets away with violating labor and tax laws, because he's rich and is swimming in government subsidies.
Governments can prevent monopolies and ensure a living wage. Our government hasn't, which has allowed billionaires to thrive while starving out the people doing the actual work. You're cool with that, because you were born well off.
Again. You're only cool with it, because you think you're going to end up a winner. It shows an elitist attitude and lack of empathy. It's literally why revolutions happen.
"which has allowed billionaires to thrive while starving out the people doing the actual work. You're cool with that, because you were born well off"
So I guess billionaires sit in a chair all day long and get paid to do nothing. How in the hell is this remotely close to true? Do Billionaires not take risk, manage companies, invest in businesses, and put money back into the market by spending?
And why are we grouping them all together? There's 3200 of them in the world (billionaires), each of which are different from one another. No doubt there are immoral billionaires, but I can't help to imagine that there are billionaires that busted their ass to make it to the top (if you really think there are none, then Vivek Ramaswamy is my example, $960mil net worth and entirely self made, created jobs, created life saving medicine)
I'm cool with what? the working class starving out while billionaires get rich? Where did that come from?
"You're only cool with it, because you think you're going to end up a winner. It shows an elitist attitude and lack of empathy. It's literally why revolutions happen"
Cool with what?
Winner is subjective. You're suggesting that I shouldn't want to end up a winner or put my best foot forward? Why shouldn't everyone believe they'll end up a winner in this country that's been known since it's inception for providing opportunites to make it to the top. See: American Dream
I think we've gone way off course here. Idek what we were originally arguing about. Oh right, it was about redistributing wealth from the wealthy to the poor to solve the problems of poverty. Which evolved into conversation about "Paying full timers more so they can earn a enough to afford shelter, healthcare,
transportation, and education." I say that if you're in a low paying job... nobodys forcing you to keep that job... so either find a better one, work more, or figure it out, it's a free country.
To go to big picture stuff here and not get so darn specific... here's how I see this:
You believe government intervention is necessary to move people from the bottom up
I don't
I don't care about you responding to any of this, but this one won't take too much of your time.