Continuation of the conversation that started on Feb 3rd


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
Ehh, this tread will get ignored. He gets butt hurt over you grouping people together in an income class, but in the same post groups everyone "who love Jesus " into a group of heathen. Grant you, I would get banned faster than Boosted if I was to try to spread what good has came from the Christian community.
Show me on the doll where boosted was ever banned......


Autocross Champion
Education & being encouraged to question everything, & also find out things for yourself, is the greatest leap towards a higher IQ.......However, in this day in age people are being encouraged to not question & just sit back & do bugger all & the computer/gov will provide everything for you...& many are quite happy in this it means less work for them to do, as thinking requires effort, & you might make mistakes etc....
Bold part I agree with 100%
While I do agree that lots of people are being encouraged not to dig into a subject, research, learn, and inform themselves in general, I think that there is a growing population of questioning thinkers and people that want to be informed.


Autocross Champion
Bold part I agree with 100%
While I do agree that lots of people are being encouraged not to dig into a subject, research, learn, and inform themselves in general, I think that there is a growing population of questioning thinkers and people that want to be informed.

Also do not equate high IQ to being "rich" in monetary value......

Many high IQ people don't have the most highly paid jobs.....conversely many rich people don't have high IQs (footballers (soccer) players anyone?).....


just clowning around
No I mean the food and clothing drives, community outreach programs, the AA and NA shelter programs.....

I could list for days, but you were going for low hanging fruit. Every organization has its faults, flaws, and past. People vist germany and Japan today, even though in the 30s and 40s they would slaughter the majority of us on this forum if we was to visit.

People can do good, just like people can do evil. But grouping people under one stereotypical umbrella is the most ignorant thing anyone can do.
my fraternity did/does the same bs and donates a lot of money and runs a lot of charitable items. i wouldn't call my fraternity a generally positive organization but i do greatly enjoy being a part of it. just like you cant deny that theres a lot of problems in the us that stem from overly religious culture and overly religious stances from all the rejects from europe that came here