COVID SCAMdemic... Blind Government Watchdog Didn't See Any Sign Of Waste LMAO


Autocross Champion
Well Jim said it’s ok because we didn’t use a gas chamber and shit.

The interned Japanese was wrong but they weren't murdered and were paid reparations. If that equals killing 6 million Jews in gas chambers okay.


Autocross Champion
How does a plane vanish without leaving a single piece behind? We might disagree, and I probably wouldn't like you in person being a cop and all but I do generally view you as a person of intelligence. So enlighten me, I'm working on my magic act and would love to know how a plane vanishes.
The fuck you mean? U didn’t see the video from hundreds of angles? It flew into the building and exploded


Autocross Champion
The interned Japanese was wrong but they weren't murdered and were paid reparations. If that equals killing 6 million Jews in gas chambers okay.
It doesn’t make it ok Jim. It never will! To u it’s ok because we didn’t murder a fuck ton of people


Ready to race!
Right.........spoon fed what they want you to believe directly from their website. Government 1, you 0
I knew you'd say that. I get the skepticism, but can you at least TRY to read through it and then dispute it?

By the way, you ignored the wreckage photos from the Pentagon, but no surprise there.