Infotainment Comedy


Drag Race Newbie
So girlf and I did a recent road trip, setting off car showing 202 miles (finally following display issues), returned having clocked up 1590ish, so guess it's almost run-in.

Better half (so she tells me) said, words to the effect, "I wonder if we'll see another woodpecker ?", IDA kicked in "sorry I don't recognise that", well no-one asked her.

Later on, more amusing but kinda serious I guess, she remarked as we passed an army camp "my brother S**** & then girlfriend M**** took me there once when I was little.

IDA's take, wait for it, (words to the effect) "Arthur is f***ing Bertie ?"o_O, but it defo said f****ing, you do know the word. Our jaws dropped then we both burst out laughing:D. I 'get' it can obviously pick up on key words, as it did when I mentioned getting the oil topped, but she said S**** & M**** not 'Arthur' or Bertie' & we've never sworn in its presence, like I said funny but less than ideal.

Otherwise car behaved well, hardly used any oil, drove at 'happy cheerful' revs, i.e. press the accelerator if car don't accelerate, drop a gear, keeping below 3,000RPM unless under low loading or climbing gradual assents, gradually increasing revs without thrashing it. Overall we're pretty happy with the car & prob keeping it afterall, tho IDA does need to clean up her language;)....
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