The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


The Fixer
If there is a single iota of doubt that my actions regarding wearing a mask could intentionally kill or leave someone with life long health complications then I'll just wear one.
I'd rather be a little over cautious for nothing then reckless for MuH freedom.
That is the difference between us. I won't give up my freedoms for nothing. If I were sick, I would wear a mask ABSOLUTELY.
But I'm not sick, so no mask. Your smoking analogy is great, except I'm not smoking and I'm not sick. So there is nothing to spread.


Go Kart Newbie
And how exactly are you sure you aren't sick? You have already established that you don't trust the tests so clearly you can't be repeatedly testing yourself to prove you are healthy.

Dog Dad Wagon

Autocross Champion
The paper mask is still better than none at all, even for protecting yourself.

It -obviously- will not stop an aerosol cloud but it will catch some spittle if someone sneezes in your direction. Reducing the potency of the viral load could be the difference between getting sick and just being a carrier.

People that envision the virus as this cloud moving around everywhere are idiots. It spreads point to point, you don't encounter huge viral clouds unless you're in a huge crowd of people.

Wearing the mask by yourself in the car is dumb, wearing it walking your dog on a lonely street is dumb. Being an anti masker is also dumb, it's hardly an inconvenience and it makes you look like a drama queen to be so against it.

Oh no, a paper mask for 5 minutes at the market, I must cry on the internet.

thank you for eloquently making all my points for me


The Fixer
And how exactly are you sure you aren't sick? You have already established that you don't trust the tests so clearly you can't be repeatedly testing yourself to prove you are healthy.
A person knows when they are sick, this is being human 101. No symptoms, no fever, not sick. Feel ill, then you're sick. See how easy it is?
Are you even human, bro?!


Autocross Champion
A person knows when they are sick, this is being human 101. No symptoms, no fever, not sick. Feel ill, then you're sick. See how easy it is?
Are you even human, bro?!
By the time you feel sick, it's already too late. The period in between incubation and symptoms is when you can spread it and not know it. So unless you are monitoring your blood counts hourly, there really isn't a way for you to say you are not sick.

We covered this already, come on now.


Autocross Champion
A person knows when they are sick, this is being human 101. No symptoms, no fever, not sick. Feel ill, then you're sick. See how easy it is?
Are you even human, bro?!

That's literally the dumbest thing you've said to date. You've outdone yourself. And now I'm 100% sure you're lying about being a paramedic.


The Fixer
Swedes saying they won't get the coronavirus vaccine. When you learn the side effects, you won't want it either.


Autocross Champion
I already don't want it.

It's not even necessary if we would just take the simple path.

Too bad the simple path is the Trail of Tears for y'all dramatic anti mask mother f'ers.

So you mean we'll have to wear mask forever?