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Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
+1 Athiest....I claimed Agnostic for years but made up my mine long time ago. I have zero doubts and if I was proven wrong I would refuse to worship a God that does/allows some of what has happened to the truly innocent.

strong non-believer in God but I like most of what is said in any Holy Book (I think of them as rules for good living written by men). I would not be surprised at there being life more advanced/greater than us.

Phur reported for attempting to start intelligent conversation
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Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Please describe to me why you are "agnostic".

go ahead...


The Fixer
I haven't seen enough proof either way. Doesn't sound like a cop out to me.
We are literally surrounded by proof and proof ourselves. The MATH that runs the universe is so precise, none of it is by accident or chance.


Autocross Champion
Just curious... how many atheists on here?
I am, but I don't care for the label. I'm just a person who has rejected the nonsensical ideologies of others. The fact that I need an "a" or "anti" or "non" prefix to classify me because I don't buy in lends too much credit to those who choose to believe such things. To me, it's just "people," and then "people who elect to believe in stupid shit."


The Fixer
I am, but I don't care for the label. I'm just a person who has rejected the nonsensical ideologies of others. The fact that I need an "a" or "anti" or "non" prefix to classify me because I don't buy in lends too much credit to those who choose to believe such things. To me, it's just "people," and then "people who elect to believe in stupid shit."
Everything is held together by the 'strong force.' It's quantum physics.


Autocross Champion
Such a cop out answer.

You really just "dont know" or you are too afraid to say that you're atheist?

Man, these [non]religious types always getting pissy when someone doesn’t fall in line with their personal beliefs.