The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


The Fixer


Autocross Champion
Cambridge-educated anti-vaxxer dies from Covid
He later criticised the Government’s approach to the coronavirus restrictions, saying “these are things we have to suffer, it’s part of living”, before urging viewers to “trust” their own immune systems over vaccines.

Vocal anti-vaccine broadcaster dies from COVID-19 complications
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Former South Florida talk show host Dick Farrel, known and beloved by fans for his over-the-top right-wing opinions, has died from complications from COVID-19.

On Facebook, Farrel advocated against getting the coronavirus vaccine and was skeptical of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Chief of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, and his recommendations concerning the coronavirus. Friends said after contracting the virus he changed his point of view.

Pharmacists Fight Off COVID Truthers Demanding Horse Medicine Instead of the Jab
As coronavirus infections rage among the unvaccinated, those suspicious of the shot are championing a new supposed COVID-19 cure. Thanks to a dubious study of ivermectin, a drug used in humans to treat parasites like scabies, cranks have seized on the drug as the new solution to coronavirus prevention and treatment.

Devotees have besieged pharmacists with prescriptions from shady online prescribers, forcing pharmacies to crack down and treat the antiparasitic drugs like opioids. As human-approved ivermectin prescriptions have been harder to come by, enthusiasts have taken to raiding rural tractor supply stores in search of ivermectin horse paste (packed with “apple flavor!”) and weighed the benefits of taking ivermectin “sheep drench” and a noromectin “injection for swine and cattle.”
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It is sad. I guess the upside is that neither of these two is zricky - but he may follow in their footsteps in the future.

Florida breaks record for COVID-19 hospitalizations (

It is also sad to note that many people who have had COVID twice say that number two was far worse - and can be easily prevented by getting vaccinated.

There are several clinical trials involving Ivermectin that show promise - but only for cases with certain symptoms - so it will never be "yeah, go ahead and take this for COVID"


Question for the group - if one of the anti-vaxxers gets sick, ends up in hospital in ICU in the last bed and a heart attack victim (or car accident, or whatever) doesn't have a bed and dies, are they guilty of a crime? Legally or morally? Do they give a shit?


Autocross Champion
Zrick is on the record saying he has life long natural Immunity. So when he needs hospitalization, he'll have to self deport.

Just kidding, he'll beg for the vaccine like all his comrades.


Zrick is on the record saying he has life long natural Immunity. So when he needs hospitalization, he'll have to self deport.

Just kidding, he'll beg for the vaccine like all his comrades.
By then it'll be too late....


The Fixer
It is sad. I guess the upside is that neither of these two is zricky - but he may follow in their footsteps in the future.

Florida breaks record for COVID-19 hospitalizations (

It is also sad to note that many people who have had COVID twice say that number two was far worse - and can be easily prevented by getting vaccinated.

There are several clinical trials involving Ivermectin that show promise - but only for cases with certain symptoms - so it will never be "yeah, go ahead and take this for COVID"
ROFL if you think Snopes has anything of value.
I already told you I'm going to live forever. There was someone else that posted here last year, said he got COVID and recovered, got paid time off. Would recommend 10/10.
Pretty sure he's invincible too.


The Fixer
Too late for Zrick? He survived Covid the first time without hospitalization why would a second bout be different?
You got a big brain on your shoulders, Jim.
Unlike the mental midgets that flock to this thread.


The Fixer
Zrick is on the record saying he has life long natural Immunity. So when he needs hospitalization, he'll have to self deport.

Just kidding, he'll beg for the vaccine like all his comrades.
Never in a million years. The stories of people begging for the vaccine are completely fabricated. I would gladly fight it off again instead of altering my DNA. But I know how immunity works, so I won't have to.


The Fixer
It's a new variant. That's why.
Israel data refutes everything you say.
The unvaccinated are winning hands down.
Israel not propping up the CDC with fake numbers like our government is.


Autocross Champion
Israel data refutes everything you say.
The unvaccinated are winning hands down.
Israel not propping up the CDC with fake numbers like our government is.

Israel's data proves exactly what I'm saying. No deaths yesterday.
