The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
Soldiers have no choice but to follow orders.

You don't become a conscientious objector after you've enlisted.

That's how you go yo Ft. Leavenworth.
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Autocross Champion
Hahaha... you're tying together military engagements, not friggin' WARS like Desert Storm, the Afghanistan War, the War in Iraq. Serbia was a UN operation that was triggered by war crimes and mass killings of Muslims. Also, what "bombing" of Libya are you even referring to - authorized by Obama? Btw, I seem to recall that war powers reside with Congress, and both Clinton and Obama had rather active Republican Congresses during their respective 2 terms in office. No?
Actually, Congress voted almost unanimously to give President Bush the Authority to Use Force (the AUMF) in Afghanistan and later in Iraq (the Senate, including Hillary Clinton, voted in favor, but you claim you voted for her, so you know, right?)

President Obama authorized air strikes in Libya to support the uprising against Ghaddafi starting in early 2011. Three months into military action in Libya, the Obama administration released a statement that they did not require Congressional approval.

So no, you're wrong, a republican congress did not approve Obama's military action in Libya.

I'm no fan of the Bush wars, but Obama is equally responsible for expanding a bunch of the programs he ran against: drone strikes, extraordinary renditions, the war in Afghanistan aka "the good war". He even authorized the murder of a US citizen despite a lack of due process and it being a direct violation of the constitution. Again, the two party system is a sham, and has given people like you the illusion of choice.


Autocross Champion
Wait a second... you're arguing a whole bunch of different things right now, and many of them were due to Republican policies. It was the so-called "Arab Spring" pushed by Bush 41 where he "liberated" Iraq along with his merry idiot bunch of no-nothing conservatives, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, and that absolute total moron Wolfowitz and L Paul Bremmer. The actual downfall of Iraq can be directly traced back to Paul Bremmer's decision to "de-Bathify" Iraq, which lead to the minority Sunni military being disbanded, with no jobs, and lots of military training. What the fuq could go wrong!? *The Sunni-based ISIS has entered the chat...

Those Republican morons thought they could impose democracy across the Middle East, a land dominated by Muslims that have been at each others throat for millennia. The overthrow of Quadaffi, that you seem to be misconstruing with some type of Democrat policy, was directly correlated to Bush's invasion of Iraq, and the destablization of the entire Middle East that followed, that including the absolute mess in Syria -- a country backed by Iranian QUDS forces and their proxies, Lebanese Hezbollah... not to mention the Russians and all of their money and military hardware.

So, get your facts straight - I watched Fox News prior to the invasion of Iraq. Remember when Sean Hannity was calling Hans Blix a sympathizer for Saddam, with Mr Luffa himself, O'Reilly piling on, as well as all of their main stream news anchors? Remember how they all *knew* Saddam was just sitting on tons of WMD and had practically finished a nuclear bomb? I mean, come on... the entire mess in the Middle East ties back to only ***ONE PARTY*** in particular, and it sure ain't the Democrat Party.
So you think the Middle East was an awesome, problem free place before September 11, 2001? At a minimum, you have to go back to Sykes-Picot, but it's really way before that.

Also, ISIS was the result of our untimely departure from Iraq (I wonder if the same thing will happen in Afghanistan?) Yes, Obama inherited it, but that doesn't give him carte blanche to f**k it up. The ISIS leadership were former AQI who developed their network in the Bucca prison camp and were released following major US withdrawal in 2011.


Autocross Champion
This COVID business was easy, no doubt aided by the prep my immune system got from the vaccine.
I noticed loss of taste and smell a little over a week ago, and nothing else happened. In fact, I was a little worried those sense would take a while to come back, knowing that the average "loss" time was 2wks, and personally knowing two people that lost theirs for nearly two months. But a little over a week has passed and my senses of taste and smell are about 75% back, I'd say.
So far, this has felt like a mandatory staycation. I've just been playing video games all day, or going out for some secluded weekday morning hiking. I go back to work later this week.


Autocross Champion
Actually, Congress voted almost unanimously to give President Bush the Authority to Use Force (the AUMF) in Afghanistan and later in Iraq (the Senate, including Hillary Clinton, voted in favor, but you claim you voted for her, so you know, right?)

President Obama authorized air strikes in Libya to support the uprising against Ghaddafi starting in early 2011. Three months into military action in Libya, the Obama administration released a statement that they did not require Congressional approval.

So no, you're wrong, a republican congress did not approve Obama's military action in Libya.

I'm no fan of the Bush wars, but Obama is equally responsible for expanding a bunch of the programs he ran against: drone strikes, extraordinary renditions, the war in Afghanistan aka "the good war". He even authorized the murder of a US citizen despite a lack of due process and it being a direct violation of the constitution. Again, the two party system is a sham, and has given people like you the illusion of choice.

So you think the Middle East was an awesome, problem free place before September 11, 2001? At a minimum, you have to go back to Sykes-Picot, but it's really way before that.

Also, ISIS was the result of our untimely departure from Iraq (I wonder if the same thing will happen in Afghanistan?) Yes, Obama inherited it, but that doesn't give him carte blanche to f**k it up. The ISIS leadership were former AQI who developed their network in the Bucca prison camp and were released following major US withdrawal in 2011.


Autocross Champion
One sucks much, much more.
Depends on your beliefs. But I'm not getting into a pissing contest about which is worse. They've each been the worst at some point in time and that's why I'm an independent now. Neither party has the interest of the public in mind. Just getting reelected.


Autocross Champion
Depends on your beliefs. But I'm not getting into a pissing contest about which is worse. They've each been the worst at some point in time and that's why I'm an independent now. Neither party has the interest of the public in mind. Just getting reelected.

I'm pretty sure the side with nazis and white supremacist supporting them and holding rallies for them are the side that's worse. If you're s Nazi or white supremacist, you might think otherwise, but it's pretty clear to me.

You really don't think the party calling for living wages, public funding of health care and education, and for billionaires to actually pay income taxes isn't looking out for the publics interests?


Autocross Champion
I'm pretty sure the side with nazis and white supremacist supporting them and holding rallies for them are the side that's worse. If you're s Nazi or white supremacist, you might think otherwise, but it's pretty clear to me.
No opinion on which is worst currently. Once again I'm an independent.


Autocross Champion
No opinion on which is worst currently. Once again I'm an independent.

You don't have an opinion on whether massive tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations, white nationalism, and rampant corruption is better or worse that public funded health and education, living wages, and opposing white nationalism?
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Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
I'm pretty sure the side with nazis and white supremacist supporting them and holding rallies for them are the side that's worse. If you're s Nazi or white supremacist, you might think otherwise, but it's pretty clear to me.

You really don't think the party calling for living wages, public funding of health care and education, and for billionaires to actually pay income taxes isn't looking out for the publics interests?
You did mean the democrats right?

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
You don't have an opinion on whether massive tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations, white nationalism, and rampant corruption is better or worse that public funded health and education, living wages, and opposing white nationalism?
Are you trying to say democrats are not corrupt?