The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
Nuclear trumps all of those.
thats right, nuclear seems promising (to me, at least, with limited exposure) at least as a power source for electricity


Autocross Champion
Yep, the evidence of the vaccine antibody production to prevent *infection* has been rather disappointing in only 2 doses and esp the JNJ 1 dose (forget about the Astra Zeneca and Chinese vaxxes, which suck against the Delta variant).

What I've heard on TV and read, was that the best protocol with vaccines is having the 2 shots spread 6 months apart. So, having the 2 mRNA doses only 1 month apart was not best... but early on, they were more worried about quick efficacy than longer term due to COVID being out of control. They didn't tell us that early on, but doctors with knowledge of vaccine efficacy have stated that. Sooo... getting the mRNA booster about 6 months after the second dose has been shown to supercharge antibodies. A lot of the info on this is coming from Israel, as the FDA and CDC have kinda been way behind on these issues. So, you're better off judging the efficacy of the mRNA's against infection after the 6 month booster. The one month follow-up shot was pretty much like using the vaccine with one hand tied behind its back (Zrick should appreciate that since he thinks the vaccine has little aliens with arms in it, anyway).

If you've already been vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna, definitely get the booster.
So you admit that they lied to us about the vaccine. Now they can make up any story they want as to why... "oh, we didn't want to tell you because we were trying to get the pandemic under control". Total BS. The fact that you can't see that this just adds to the myriad of reasons why people don't want to get the vaccine is beyond me.


Drag Racing Champion
So you admit that they lied to us about the vaccine. Now they can make up any story they want as to why... "oh, we didn't want to tell you because we were trying to get the pandemic under control". Total BS. The fact that you can't see that this just adds to the myriad of reasons why people don't want to get the vaccine is beyond me.
No, that's not what I wrote. Nobody from the CDC lied, but they certainly did not tell us that 6 months may be better for efficacy. I completely understand why they did what they did... one shot of the mRNA vaccines is not enough, so the quicker they could get you to two shots, but allowing just enough time in between, made sense at the time. The JNJ always should have been a 2 shot does, minimum. JNJ was inhaling too much baby powder when they said it was "one and done."

The reality is if you want to believe the worst in the govt, you likely will. I find that a bit odd, since you're in the military... but I know that somewhat oxymoronic thinking runs deep in the military, esp with Republican enlisted. The reality is, COVID was a Chinese GOF experiment gone awry. I'm as certain as I can be on this. It was developed to be a nasty respiratory virus, probably with military intentions in one of their Level 4 skunk works programs in Wuhan. You don't trust the US Govt, and I don't trust the Chinese govt. Getting COVID can lead to long COVID, which, can be debilitating. Even if you truly have concerns about the vaccine that has been used on hundreds of millions of people - safely, then so be it... but even so, I'd certainly take my chances with a US made, FDA approved, vaccine than I would take my chances on a Chinese govt developed SARS-like lab virus that has unknown long term health consequences.

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
No, that's not what I wrote. Nobody from the CDC lied, but they certainly did not tell us that 6 months may be better for efficacy. I completely understand why they did what they did... one shot of the mRNA vaccines is not enough, so the quicker they could get you to two shots, but allowing just enough time in between, made sense at the time. The JNJ always should have been a 2 shot does, minimum. JNJ was inhaling too much baby powder when they said it was "one and done."

The reality is if you want to believe the worst in the govt, you likely will. I find that a bit odd, since you're in the military... but I know that somewhat oxymoronic thinking runs deep in the military, esp with Republican enlisted. The reality is, COVID was a Chinese GOF experiment gone awry. I'm as certain as I can be on this. It was developed to be a nasty respiratory virus, probably with military intentions in one of their Level 4 skunk works programs in Wuhan. You don't trust the US Govt, and I don't trust the Chinese govt. Getting COVID can lead to long COVID, which, can be debilitating. Even if you truly have concerns about the vaccine that has been used on hundreds of millions of people - safely, then so be it... but even so, I'd certainly take my chances with a US made, FDA approved, vaccine than I would take my chances on a Chinese govt developed SARS-like lab virus that has unknown long term health consequences.
Well lucky for you you will likely have the pleasure of experiencing both.


The Fixer
Wahhhh????? Everything you just wrote is wrong. Unvaccinated are more likely to spread COVID. Unvaccinated get more sick from an infection, and are MUCH more likely to die from an infection. Also, Republican nurses see ER's completely filled with COVID patients, yet their political dogma overtakes their common sense and medical knowledge and they still refuse to get vaccinated. So, that's not true, either!
Except data from the UK and Israel says I'm right and you're wrong, so there's that. Highly vaccinated communities in the US are the COVID hotspots...MA, VT, NY, colleges, etc


The Fixer
Yep, the evidence of the vaccine antibody production to prevent *infection* has been rather disappointing in only 2 doses and esp the JNJ 1 dose (forget about the Astra Zeneca and Chinese vaxxes, which suck against the Delta variant).

What I've heard on TV and read, was that the best protocol with vaccines is having the 2 shots spread 6 months apart. So, having the 2 mRNA doses only 1 month apart was not best... but early on, they were more worried about quick efficacy than longer term due to COVID being out of control. They didn't tell us that early on, but doctors with knowledge of vaccine efficacy have stated that. Sooo... getting the mRNA booster about 6 months after the second dose has been shown to supercharge antibodies. A lot of the info on this is coming from Israel, as the FDA and CDC have kinda been way behind on these issues. So, you're better off judging the efficacy of the mRNA's against infection after the 6 month booster. The one month follow-up shot was pretty much like using the vaccine with one hand tied behind its back (Zrick should appreciate that since he thinks the vaccine has little aliens with arms in it, anyway).

If you've already been vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna, definitely get the booster.
You must have missed where the 'experts' are saying to get the infection after you're vaccinated, to really boost your immunity.
And you must have ignored the multiple studies that show a previous infection protects you multiple times better than ANY of the vaccines.


The Fixer
You see, I completely AGREE with this. The vaccine works. It works against severe disease for at least a year. What it does not do, is provide long term efficacy against *infection.* That's why boosters are necessary. I'll be getting my booster in the next 2 weeks.
Was nice knowing you. I'm already reading about people who died after the booster. You'll be on the 6 month renewal plan, for eternity, or death, whichever comes first.


The Fixer
Pfizer loves repeat customers.
But they haven't made a dime off me.