Used Car Prices Keep Getting More Shocking


Autocross Champion
And companies are free to do all those things. They are choosing not to.

But the question was what the president could do, so I'm not sure what your point is?
I didn’t ask that question though.
And yes, companies can choose to do that. But they aren’t because why should the ride stop?


Autocross Champion
I didn’t ask that question though.
And yes, companies can choose to do that. But they aren’t because why should the ride stop?

I thought you raised your hand to answer my question, which was what can a US president do to ease the supply chain issues.


Autocross Champion
I want the current admin. to incentivize producing our own products. I literally said that in my post, sorry you must have the horse blinders on today.
The sky is blue, the moon is real...are we just saying things that are obvious right now? Of course the government doesn't actually do anything that produces products. I said in my rebuttal.... we can incentivize private business to do as such. Feel free to propose your own opinion as to what could help us, I missed that in your reply too, comrade.

I'm pretty sure American's electing politicians that don't know anything about basic economics is real issue. Stop electing brain dead politicians & their best friends.

That won't solve THIS supply chain issue, would take decades, and again, most of the large companies producing chips, phones, etc.... don't pay federal taxes anyway AND our tax code actually allows them to move operations overseas and deduct the cost from their tax liability.

So what tax rate would entice hugely profitable corporations, that are already paying 0% or close to it, to come back to the states? You say subsidies. On top of all the current subsidies? So they should pay less than 0%? Again, profit margins have more that doubled in the last 50 years. We've repeatedly lowered US corporate statutory rate and the effective tax rate they pay, effective rate is below 14% now. Do you think that large US corporations should pay nothing to use our roads, ports, airports, courts, etc....?
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Go Kart Champion
That won't solve THIS supply chain issue, would take decades, and again, most of the large companies producing chips, phones, etc.... don't pay federal taxes anyway AND our tax code actually allows them to move operations overseas and deduct the cost from their tax liability.

So what tax rate would entice hugely profitable corporations, that are already paying 0% or close to it, to come back to the states? You say subsidies. On top of all the current subsidies? So they should pay less than 0%?

Nothing will solve this supply issues, it has taken decades to get to this point. And will take decades to correct.

You're not arguing in good faith, comrade. Stay safe, fam.


Autocross Champion
Nothing will solve this supply issues, it has taken decades to get to this point. And will take decades to correct.

You're not arguing in good faith, comrade. Stay safe, fam.

Comrade? I'm the one reminding the ignorant masses that we're a capitalist economy as you all throw out socialist answers to the problem.

JFC, our county is doomed.


Autocross Champion
I thought you raised your hand to answer my question, which was what can a US president do to ease the supply chain issues.View attachment 234625

First, that wasn’t me who wanted Biden to fix supply chain. Second, all I said was my recommendation and nothing about Biden or the government.

I’m gonna get back to just reading the comments. Mr. GTIfan99, I wish you a good day!


Autocross Champion
I just came here to post a funny Brandon meme and then it got dark..

have fun mates, I’m gonna go chop some firewood


Autocross Champion
First, that wasn’t me who wanted Biden to fix supply chain. Second, all I said was my recommendation and nothing about Biden or the government.

I’m gonna get back to just reading the comments. Mr. GTIfan99, I wish you a good day!

You quoted my post though, which means you were replying to my post.
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Go Kart Champion
Comrade? I'm the one reminding the ignorant masses that we're a capitalist economy as you all throw out socialist answers to the problem.

JFC, our county is doomed.
Incentivizing drilling for our own oil because its cheaper to produce than funding OPEC, is not a socialist idea.


Autocross Champion
Doug Demuro was on the smoking tire this week and they briefly talked about car prices. They were pretty much saying people still have it in their head that these are just 'inflation prices', but they both think this is what the price of cars is going to be now.

I only feel bad for people that don't already have a vehicle. The increased price on whatever you're buying is pretty much canceled out by the increased price on what you own.

The prices are up, people are paying those prices, and profits are better than ever. Why would they bring down prices?

From what I've seen in my industry the demand is far exceeding the supply and that's not entirely because the supply is lower than previous years. The supply may be down like 10% and there's a longer delay, but the demand is up so high I don't even know how to put a number on it. Everything is sold out 6-12 months out when normally we have about 50 units in stock. Even if supply was exactly the same as it was in 2018-2019 we'd still have no way to keep up with demand.

You see the same thing in other industries. It's impossible to buy a ps5 and after the same amount of the time they've sold more ps5's than ps4s. There weren't any problems getting a ps4 a year after release, but it's impossible to get a ps5 or xsx because the demand is that crazy. Graphic card shipments increased by 25% this year and even with that additional supply they're still impossible to get.

The only solution I can see right now is people need to stop buying shit as often as they do. Do you really need a brand new car every 2-3 years? Do things like phones and graphics cards really need to be replaced every year?

Also, I just want to remind everybody how much of a scam the last big factory (foxconn) that was supposed to be built in america and how it failed. I'm not sure why people were excited about another chinese factory that would just under pay and abuse workers rights in the first place, but it doesn't matter anymore. You can't expect the type of presidents that we've been voting in to get something done or do what's right. It's not just the presidents, but the people around them. They're all going to protect their own way of life, and their way of life is doing pretty damn good right now. If there's anything in the last few years I've seen is that nobody you vote for is going to improve your life.

The problem is a profoundly ignorant electorate. Government officials don't elect themselves.


Autocross Champion
Incentivizing drilling for our own oil because its cheaper to produce than funding OPEC, is not a socialist idea.


It would absolutely be socialist to force them to sell that oil only in the US.

Again, it doesn't matter, oil is a commodity. If you don't understand what that means and why it's important, you should probably just stop talking.


Autocross Champion
There are certainly things that all previous presidents have responsibility for, Reagan selling weapons to Iran, HW's admin gave Saddam approval to invade Kuwait, Clinton decimated our military capabilities, GW the war on terror mess, Obama made a m mess in Syria and Ukraine, Trump is the dumbest human to ever hold the office and is responsible for driving the GOP into the toilet. Biden, is certainly responsible for things in his control,
but again, what exactly do you want any president to do to ease the private market supply chain, private market corporations?

You're what about ism is just a BS strawman argument to deflect from the fact that Biden has very little control over supply chains and free market pressures.

If the pres/gubment can't control the most important aspect of a country -- its economy, -- why was there so much butthurting when the Great Orange was in office? Why all the pain if it doesn't matter? o_O