The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion


The Fixer
Fuck Amazon, ordered some oil a week ago on 2 day delivery. Yesterday they canceled my order with no explanation and said I'd be refunded within 5-7 days WTF. Now I have to drive to the store like a pleb
Probably because they need to jack up the prices.
I needed some unobtanium transmission fluid for the wife's Honda Pilot, Amazon was the only place that had it at the time.


Autocross Champion
There was another thread he started. It got nuked.
I have just finished reading the thread. Nothing new, magic got old two bans ago. I did get a kick out of keehs lying butthurt. That was a nice ending to the thread.


Autocross Champion
You gotta ask where those views are coming from though. Sad thing is many don’t even know what they’re doing and what groundwork they’re laying. Most of the tactics they use are derivative of conflict theory and other class war strategies which are designed to dismantle so centralized powers can fill the vacuum. Big money in Tech, media and academia are employing these tactics but channeling them via a societal level because if not modified they would be the targets these strategies were originally intended for.

What we have is a sort of delicious irony that the ultra rich have gotten the peasantry fighting a class war against itself.
Buffet said several years ago that yes, there is a class war going on, and that the rich are winning. It's ironic that self-proclaimed liberals are merely doing the bidding of one of the factions of financial capital, merely reciting what corporate mass media is sending their way.


Autocross Champion
Fuck Amazon, ordered some oil a week ago on 2 day delivery. Yesterday they canceled my order with no explanation and said I'd be refunded within 5-7 days WTF. Now I have to drive to the store like a pleb

speaking of plebs.... 😆


Autocross Champion
Was that white snowflake masquerading as an oppressed minority bitching about racism again?
He was unashamedly singing the praises of Biden and CNN, and calling anyone who disagreed a republican. To be fair I used to the latter but never for any president. He seems a bit old to be acting like a college kid.


Autocross Champion
I got a mk4 vr6 project sitting in my drive that’s smirking at me. “Just try me, bitch”


Autocross Champion
Appraisals aren't just for selling a home. Again, you're clearly not reading or educated on the issue, you're just basing everything on anecdotal experience and emotion. The things you mentioned are how we're able to determine, for a fact, that black-owned homes are being undervalued. When one home is valued 20% lower than other homes in the area with comparable sq ft, beds, bath, etc and the only difference is the ethnicity of the homeowner then obviously something is wrong. It's not just some random article either, there's actual research and evidence to support this.
Really? Because I read the article and didn't see any evidence or research. There was a lot of numbers and some graphs only looking at one possible explanation. And based on the number of homes sold throughout the US, it was a very small sample size. What I saw was click-bait, "America is racist because x" fake journalism. Why is there an appraisal being done if the person isn't selling the home? HELOC? Same rules apply. Anyone can look at anything and blame racism. That doesn't make it true. I'll admit that there's a possibility, and even a high probability that this happens. You should be able to (but won't because MuH RaCISm) admit that it isn't nearly as widespread as the article makes it out to be, and that home values are more complicated than a single issue.


Autocross Champion
He was unashamedly singing the praises of Biden and CNN, and calling anyone who disagreed a republican. To be fair I used to the latter but never for any president. He seems a bit old to be acting like a college kid.
Yes, that sounds like him. If you are bashing Biden, you are a racist maga hat wearing loon according to him. Meh.


Autocross Champion
I typed all this just for the other thread to be closed before I could post it. So I'm just going to stick this shit here and go on another hiatus. Also, it's interesting how the poll ended up meaning absolutely nothing in the end despite claiming the community and not the mod would decide the outcome.


The pandemic is over and most of us are in agreement about Russia's invasion, so there's really nothing left to discuss. But, more important it's not good that politics and race are starting to permeate every facet of our lives. We need something where that's just not a topic of discussion or concern. If nothing else, cars should be that one area where it just doesn't come up.

However, I've been to HPDE's and seen people give each other Nazi salutes during the driver's meeting. I guess it was some sort of sick inside joke they have. I've had a complete stranger come up to me and start bashing Obama. This same guy tried to talk me into running laps on my own during an intermission when no flag workers or anyone else was on the track. Something that surely would have resulted in me being kicked and banned. So was this his way of getting the only black guy there booted? I'm not liberal but maybe my disdain for Obama wasn't strong enough for him? IDK.

Regardless it would be nice to have something in America where how you identify politically or how you look just didn't matter, to the point it wasn't even discussed. It shouldn't be the first thing that's brought up the moment you meet someone at an HPDE when these events aren't even remotely related to politics.

Because of that, I voted no. This shit is everywhere and never amounts to anything productive. It just further divides us in absolutely everything we do, so it would be nice to see a car community ditch that shit and focus on what matters.
But here you are, making your opinions known. You know, as long as other people don't invade your space with it.