CSB3: Golnat Explains How To Make Your Own Creamer Naturally Using Nothing But A Vivid Imagination And Acadia n00dz


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
He wants to be hugged the same way the soft shell hugs the hard shell. With a layer of cheese in the middle.

That's the only way to hug




Autocross Champion
He wants to be hugged the same way the soft shell hugs the hard shell. With a layer of cheese in the middle.

Don't forget smothered in spicy ranch...

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
work....we are signing up for work share which is a program that lets you give one/two day layoffs to people. They collect unemployment for those days automatically. It lets you keep skilled people in slow periods.

Me to my boss "If you are going to lay me off you should do it within the next two weeks because it'll be my anniversary and after the beginning of April you'll also have to pay me an extra 4 weeks vacation"


Autocross Champion
work....we are signing up for work share which is a program that lets you give one/two day layoffs to people. They collect unemployment for those days automatically. It lets you keep skilled people in slow periods.

Me to my boss "If you are going to lay me off you should do it within the next two weeks because it'll be my anniversary and after the beginning of April you'll also have to pay me an extra 4 weeks vacation"

you're telling me you can tell your coworkers to fuck off and they do?


Autocross Champion
Fact of the now: baby owls sleep with their heads on the ground until they're old enough to hold them up, because their heads are huge.

it's supposed to be upwards of 60*F today and I'm amped. I'm going to wrap up my car stands, I found some 2x3 floating around that will let me make middle pieces so there aren't such large gaps between the 2x4s, I think the next item on the list is going to be cleaning up the garage a bit. There's a couple 8v 2.0s in there that are going away and at least one, maybe two junk O2Js. Gonna take one of each apart with the wife so she can learn how everything works, and I think it's time to reorganize the tools and try to make everything a little more cohesive.

also I need to figure out how I'm gonna make money faster or what I can sell in order to get more of the money necessary for a downpipe on the GTI, if I could get like $1k together it'd be fine. Anyone need a laptop, or maybe some cheap monitors? Set of OEM mk4 wheels (15")? I might start listing stuff on FB marketplace, but you know how those people are.
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Strange Mud

Autocross Champion

you're telling me you can tell your boss to fuck off and they do?
although anyone can be replaced I would be very difficult to. Small company (50 or so people) and I am the only class A mechanic. I've been there a long time and know both buildings and all the machinery. After I was hired the plant manager told me "you don't interview well" "I interview like I am" Poor social skills but great at my job.


Autocross Champion
although anyone can be replaced I would be very difficult to. Small company (50 or so people) and I am the only class A mechanic. I've been there a long time and know both buildings and all the machinery. After I was hired the plant manager told me "you don't interview well" "I interview like I am" Poor social skills but great at my job.
File under good news: I received my initial check for damage to my GTI, I called to schedule work at my choice of body shop and when I asked them how Travelers was to deal with he said they're good to work with.

That's a good place to be, and I think a big part of it is being good enough that your shortcomings can be overlooked. I think I missed the incident with your GTI, what happened? My memory is awful.


Autocross Champion
I hate these emails that are like, come back to netflix for just $6.99! I think, ooh I'd resub for a month at $7. It's not a discounted offer though, they're just talking about their bottom level plan that's only 720p and has ads.

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
someone pulled put in front of me and to avoid worse I hit the curb. They not only were charged, they stayed and admitted. Minor damage to bumper and aerobits


Autocross Champion
I hate these emails that are like, come back to netflix for just $6.99! I think, ooh I'd resub for a month at $7. It's not a discounted offer though, they're just talking about their bottom level plan that's only 720p and has ads.
I refuse to endure ads. I've gone to significant lengths to avoid them, and there's no way I'd PAY for something with ads. Time to sail the high seas.

someone pulled put in front of me and to avoid worse I hit the curb. They not only were charged, they stayed and admitted. Minor damage to bumper and aerobitsView attachment 276233

Oof, well good on them for staying to take responsibility. When mine got hit I requested all the old parts, and now I've got a (semi-intact) grill on my living room wall. What lip is/was that? I keep thinking about the Aerofabb v2 because streetcar, but I dunno how badly I want it.