CSB3: Grandmas Boy Gives Rice Individual Throttle Boners


Autocross Champion
it’s literally the modern adaptation of a mk1 mini.



Autocross Champion
I don’t hate it. Certainly sticks with the Mini design language. Don’t they all have that large circle in the center. They certainly went different then everyone else and I’m all for it.


I'm just happy to be dying.
Yeah. I dealt with Alzheimers (or something like it) with my dad for about 18 years (he was diagnosed - but fine - in '89, was mostly OK until the mid '90's, moved in with me, quit talking in 2000, was diagnosed with a sigmoid volvulus (twisted colon) had surgery, got MRSA, developed osteomyelitis, had a leg amputated and died in 2006.

Awful, awful disease. One study he was in thought it wasn't Alzheimers but some form of PTSD induced dementia from being 17 (maybe 16?), having gotten separated from his unit and ended up with the first group of soldiers to go into Dachau. What isn't that well known is that the US fired up the ovens in Dachau to cremate the dead - they had been installed but never used.


I don’t hate it. Certainly sticks with the Mini design language. Don’t they all have that large circle in the center. They certainly went different then everyone else and I’m all for it.
Meh. I had a Mini loaner for about two months after the BMW dealer crashed my car into a pole after a service (and didn't tell me - I had to point it out to them as I was picking up the car - the passenger side bumper and fender were pretty well smashed) and were hoping that I wouldn't notice until after I had driven away.

The mini was kinda fun (it was 2010ish) but the lack of a speedometer in front of me drove me nuts and the back seat was a joke.


Autocross Champion
Time for my nightly pill regiment

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Autocross Champion


You gotta love AI generated ads. Briggs& Riley is a suitcase manufacturer and the Torq is one of their model lines. Briggs and Stratton makes lawnmower engines,



Autocross Champion
The pajama filling blowouts, those are life changers right there. Makes you believe in absolutely nothing

The bodily fluid kaleidoscope is the best. One 2am changing my first born blasted me with shit, piss, and puke at the same time.

I just cried a little while I cleaned it up.

My doula said once. “Welcome to being a parent… where you don’t sleep and color/texture/quantity of feces is normal conversation.”
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Autocross Champion
Close. Near 40 year old man dealing with a shoulder issue.

Feel you. Mid 40s with, arthritis of the shoulders, knees, right ankle, and spine at T4-T5-T6 and L4-L5-S1. Tendinitis in both shoulders, and right ankle, and a bunch of nerve issues to go along with the spine.

I envy most 70 year olds.


Autocross Champion
Feel you. Mid 40s with, arthritis of the shoulders, knees, right ankle, and spine at T4-T5-T6 and L4-L5-S1. Tendinitis in both shoulders, and right ankle, and a bunch of nerve issues to go along with the spine.

I envy most 70 year olds.

I have a follow up with an orthopedist this week from the MRI I had last week. After the xrays done on site were fine, his guess was somewhere between tendonitis and a slight tear. Doesn't think it's a full tear, but I'll find out on Thursday. I can't imagine it'll need surgery, the pain is manageable, just sucks to hurt every day.


Autocross Champion
I have a follow up with an orthopedist this week from the MRI I had last week. After the xrays done on site were fine, his guess was somewhere between tendonitis and a slight tear. Doesn't think it's a full tear, but I'll find out on Thursday. I can't imagine it'll need surgery, the pain is manageable, just sucks to hurt every day.

Yep. Every day I wake up in pain. At least I get a nice check and free healthcare out of it.