Recent content by Kurupt

  1. Kurupt

    Off Topic Random Chat v5.8 - Memes and Gifs Welcomed

    Any OG’s left in here?
  2. Kurupt

    **Stanced S2000 Thread**

    if u dont like them, then gtfo.
  3. Kurupt

    tornado took burger hahaha
  4. Kurupt

    fantasy factory

    fucking awesomesauce
  5. Kurupt

    any longboarders?

    just got a new board the other day to replace the handidown I got from a friend that was completely fucked. anyway post up ur board!
  6. Kurupt

    pretty lights

    Messing around last night using iphones and led's for the effects IMG_1852 by iDoWerk, on Flickr IMG_1834 by iDoWerk, on Flickr IMG_1836 by iDoWerk, on Flickr IMG_1838 by iDoWerk, on Flickr IMG_1842 by iDoWerk, on Flickr IMG_1844 by iDoWerk, on Flickr a couple more can be seen here...
  7. Kurupt

    The Golfmkv OFF-TOPIC chat ..

    its way to hot to adjust my coilovers right now
  8. Kurupt

    The Golfmkv OFF-TOPIC chat ..

    i need moar low in rear sorry for shit pics
  9. Kurupt

    The Golfmkv OFF-TOPIC chat ..

    so its been shitty picture weather here so i took this one with a 10 year old point and shoot. DSLR pics coming soon tho i promise. also going out right now to lower the rear a tad more
  10. Kurupt


    escOLA4XWfI qxwhqcdedRw
  11. Kurupt

    flat purple civic on j-lines

    DOPE AS PHUCK! here is the rest of the pics
  12. Kurupt

    ¿offical wtf?

  13. Kurupt

    Attack Attack!

    If you dont already know, baller band! dCgKjyRLgXA
  14. Kurupt

    _*The Graffiti Thread*_

    Post up cool graffiti you have seen around, or on the internet! post um up!