Recent content by red_stapler

  1. red_stapler

    Hyundai i 30 N

    It's certainly a better effort than the Forte SX which shares that platform.
  2. red_stapler

    My brother is getting a prius. Need help!

    Consider a Camry Hybrid instead of the Prius if you think you'll need more space. Plus your brother won't lose his shit.
  3. red_stapler

    My brother is getting a prius. Need help!

    It sounds like you're the one with the problem.
  4. red_stapler

    Milo Yiannopoulos just came out as a pedophile

    Well, he managed to trigger the leftists at the Conservative Political Action Conference: And the publisher of his book.
  5. red_stapler

    Milo Yiannopoulos just came out as a pedophile

    The more he tries to be “outrageous” the clearer it is that he’s a horribly traumatized person who never got the help he needed.
  6. red_stapler

    Audi USA taking a pandering stand for equal pay

    It sounds like you're going with Claudia Goldin's findings? I'm down with that. What study was Audi mentioning?
  7. red_stapler

    Audi USA taking a pandering stand for equal pay

    Eh? I didn't really see any statistics posted in the actual video. *edit* I guess you're talking about the 21% mentioned in the post? Sure, it's more complicated than that.
  8. red_stapler

    Official Inauguration Day Thread

    Again, it's interesting to me that from the perspective of the left, Republicans act/are the same way. We've certainly seen that sort of behavior from both sides since at least '06 in my memory.
  9. red_stapler

    Official Inauguration Day Thread

    It's interesting how that changes based on your perspective. The way I understood it was more like Obama saying "What can the President get done with an obstructionist Congress?" I personally don't see executive orders as a bad thing, but it might be worth noting that Obama signed the fewest...
  10. red_stapler

    Official Inauguration Day Thread

    I've been asking the same thing about members of Congress for ~8 years now. If we're going to fix this, it needs to start with eliminating "We oppose the opposition on everything even if we agree with them."
  11. red_stapler

    First episode of Grand Tour is up a day early

    I'm pretty sure it was more a case of telling the driver "slide it around a bit so we can knock Clarkson's house down". You can see pretty clearly that it's not a clean lap.
  12. red_stapler

    First episode of Grand Tour is up a day early

    The P1 got mugged so they could make the joke work. :-/
  13. red_stapler

    Hilary or Trump (and why?)

    Why do you think that is? I'd like more info on that, is there a study or something?
  14. red_stapler

    Hilary or Trump (and why?)

    Without evidence? Keep in mind I'm not referring Trump himself here, but people at Trump rallies have demonstrated those qualities. R9YPYRaeTW0
  15. red_stapler

    Hilary or Trump (and why?)

    As a lefty, I think that's awful. Nobody should have to worry about violence because of their political views (among other things). Also, lostk: