Recent content by staulkor

  1. staulkor

    LOL :bellyroll::bellyroll::bellyroll:
  2. staulkor

    Oh my god...permit should be required for some mods

    I found this when randomly lurking on the intarwebz The OP in the link isn't the idiot, but his friend is. Here the jist of it for you lazy bastards who wont read it. Guy buys scion tc. Guy knows nothing about cars. Guy buys turbo kit...
  3. staulkor

    Got bored in solidworks

    So the other day I was bored. I got a stock and vf pendulum mount sitting on my desk so I decided to model them up in solidworks 08. Note: there is one curve on the stock mount which isn't correct. Im having trouble getting it right... Yea, the color is wrong, so sue me :biggrin:
  4. staulkor

    ARG! God damn scammers

    I am trying to sell some shits on craigslist. I have an iPhone, a Nokia N95, a lens, a camera body, and a few other things. I put them all up on craigslist last night and I got like 35 responses about the iphone. I responded to the ones that sounded competent (ones who actually formulated real...
  5. staulkor

    Well it finally happened...

    Got pulled over coming home from Chickfila. Got pulled by a county cop. He wasnt an ass or anything, but wtf at the tickets. I got a $90 ticket for "failing to stop at red signal before right turn." I was going literally 5mph and there was nobody at the intersection. I do technically deserve a...
  6. staulkor

    JEEBUS! I want this mazda :thumbup: Just listen to it...:eyebulge: