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  1. timneedscoffee10

    The patch...

    Quitting smoking today. I was successful 7 years ago, and just picked it up again over the holidays during some *very* stressful family times. Patch went on at 3:14 on 3/14/15! How are you celebrating pi day :)?
  2. timneedscoffee10

    $1,000 for new hot water heater installed?

    So my water heater is shot... A basement flood took it out, and I've had to relight the pilot 6 times in two days. My local plumbing/hvac place explained there's a leak in the tank and it's dripping right on the burner. They even showed me the drip. I think it's wet insulation - but this tank...
  3. timneedscoffee10


    ** Wall of text warning ** the following is a wall of a text. TL;DR, I road raged, haven't done that in 15 years, still feel angry over it. Maybe there's other threads on this. I haven't had road rage in *years*... many, many years... maybe 15? I'm talking teenage years, and I'm 33 now. This...
  4. timneedscoffee10

    CigarFest 2013

    Any of you mk6ers going to CigarFest? I'm headed down on Thursday for the Friday megaherf!
  5. timneedscoffee10

    DAMMIT ECS TUNING... e-mail is not secure!!!

    So I just wanted to bitch about this -- I'm putting it in off-topic, because it's not really vendor feedback -- but ECS tuning is pissing me off. Everytime I place an order with them, my order confirmation is sent to me and includes my password in plain text. I wrote them an e-mail explaining...