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  1. J

    Laptop down, help?

    If the Laptop is encrypted (which it is if it's coming up with the Check Point security screen and it's not booting then you'll need the decryption file (usually an XML file) which is held on the Encryption server. If you've data on it that you need you'll need that file. If not, just stick in...
  2. J

    Selling the GTI and Buying an '89 Porshe 944 Turbo Would Be Really Dumb Right?

    I went from owning old cars - pre 1990's to owning newer cars - post 2005, 2011 and all I can say is, I'd take the newer ones any day of the week. Keeping in mind that the older cars weren't high end like Porsche / Ferrari and so on but let it be said, older cars will cost you far more cash...
  3. J

    Allergies - GAH :(

    If you can buy Manuka Honey (the higher the number the better, like 20+, 25+) and mix it with half a fresh Lemon in hot water and drink once to twice daily. If you can manage that a month -> 6 weeks before the Pollen count rises (Summer months) then it will help no end. Plenty Vitamin C helps...
  4. J

    Favorite Hangover Food

    Any type of Fast Food and then a long sit on the bog!
  5. J


    - Complete darkness is required in the room where you sleep - Don't exercise at least 3->4 hours before you intend to sleep - Exercise (45 mins of moderate to intense interval training) - Caffeine has no effect on some and has on others (trial and error) - Make sure your pillow/s are...
  6. J

    Fuel Costs around the Globe

    Yeah, ye're getting shafted as much as we are so! In my line of work I order I.T equipment a lot (anything up to 200,000 Euros worth a year) so I order in from the UK 99.99% of the time as we don't have to pay VAT BUT if I order in my own country I have to pay 23% VAT :lol: And the Govt. wonder...
  7. J

    1626.1 miles in one tank

    We've a 1.6TDI BMT Diesel and it gets between 1100-1200 kms (684-746 miles) per fill and that's driving it standard with a few off the line shoots (you can't really do much in a 1.6 Diesel anyway!!!) The BMT is a bit of a PITA sometimes if you're stopping and starting a lot. You'd wonder are...
  8. J

    HOLLY SHT!!! (R8 content)

    Exactly... FAF.
  9. J

    Fuel Costs around the Globe

    Seems like we're getting shafted 10fold here in the West! Time to relocate!
  10. J

    VW Newest Car

    The frightening/upsetting thing about this (albeit fantastic technology) is that it'll make our cars obsolete and rendered illegal to operate in the future... Long time away but food for thought.
  11. J

    What's the world coming to?

    Brainless Twat & his Facebook page verifies that. People like him should be put down, do the world a favour, more Oxygen for us to breathe etc... The Justice System there is just as bizzare as ours.
  12. J

    Focus ST First Drive (Taking Stabs at the GTI)

    ST Fffpppt... RS Focus all the way...
  13. J

    Fuel Costs around the Globe

    Very informative :clap:
  14. J

    Fuel Costs around the Globe

    Where you at for those prices? My brother-in-law is in Dubai at the moment and it costs him $6 to fill his Toyota Hilux :eek: it would cost us approx $150 here to fill the same!!
  15. J

    Fuel Costs around the Globe

    Just wondering what everyone's paying for Fuel be it Petrol (Gas) or Diesel. Here in Ireland at the moment it varies from: Petrol(Gas): €1.56c ($2.05c) per litre (€5.91c/$7.77c per Gallon) Diesel: €1.45c ($1.91c) per litre (€5.50c/$7.24 per Gallon) Petrol(Gas) prices vary from €1.56c...