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  1. Powling

    The official Hate thread.

    Dubsetp is the worst! Miley is where its at.
  2. Powling

    The official Hate thread.

    I love this thread.
  3. Powling

    Explain your User Name.

    Mines my last name.
  4. Powling

    your other hobbies besides the car

    My other hobby besides cars is snowboarding, been into it for AGES (started when I was 10, now I'm 24) and it's been a big part of my life since I started. Been sponsored for a while and have been able to travel all around for events and such. I've been fortunate to be able to do it for this...
  5. Powling

    Article: Gen-Y preferring phones to cars

    I love the irony of this.
  6. Powling

    Article: Gen-Y preferring phones to cars

    Again, not EVERY fixed gear bike is the same. Some choose to take their brakes off (which I agree is stupid), but so do BMXer's these days as well. But I can already tell no matter what I say, your hatred for fixed gears will make me look like a moron in your eyes.
  7. Powling

    Article: Gen-Y preferring phones to cars

    I have a fixed gear bike and a car. I live in the country and a lot of times will drive my car to the waterfront for a bike ride...with friends who also own cars (and tune them as well). Not EVERYONE who owns a fixed gear is an moron...most people who generalize others into groups just because...