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  1. B

    Infotainment Hardware and Software Updates

    when will this 1969 version come to recalls or OTA? I am scared to do my own upgrade o_O
  2. B

    Infotainment Hardware and Software Updates

    here it is i was lazy, so when you unrar it, you need to unzip it also :)
  3. B

    Infotainment Hardware and Software Updates

    you need to have linux machine first :) i fixed query in stupid but effective way, also same files are then in current folder: for i in {01..99}; do wget --no-check-certificate "$i"; done && for i in {100..103}; do wget...
  4. B

    Infotainment Hardware and Software Updates

    just got back from regular yearly car check / oil change and they also did 1941 update, no problem so far 🤞
  5. B

    Infotainment Hardware and Software Updates

    I have got same issue when updating to 1898 from default version (I think it was 1856 or so). It was resolved by dealer workshop, they also needed to replace whole infotainment module as it was dead :( After that one further update came and then steering wheel was replaced also because of...
  6. B

    Infotainment Hardware and Software Updates

    Today got some smaller update regarding Registration, still on 1898, no big update yet :unsure:
  7. B

    Infotainment Hardware and Software Updates

    Also got only update for SHOP, I am on version 1898, waiting for newest one 😠
  8. B

    Infotainment Hardware and Software Updates

    Hi, I am also stuck with this 1898 version on H58 hardware device part number is 5H0035820K Seems this is for now latest version, as no new OTA updates for now. With this version (1898) everything works ok, as versions before had restarting issues, now it is gone.