CSB3: Forum Discusses Nicknames For Their Wiener And Muds Danger Noodle - Mrs Mud Runs And Hides


Autocross Champion
CSB: went to a friends house... held a flashlight... cracked a few jokes... got some grub
Now I'm chillin... rewatching American History X
Update: It took me 110% willpower not to cry... if you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend.
Great movie.


Autocross Champion
Have not seen any of those movies.

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
Take guess as to if I fixed the plow or it's just intermittently working?

Intermittent problems suck


Autocross Champion
Take guess as to if I fixed the plow or it's just intermittently working?

Intermittent problems suck

Yeah sometimes it’s better if stuff just breaks for real.


Autocross Champion
Asking for a friend who got tboned and his truck was totaled.

He is with liberty mutual, turns out the person that hit him wasnt covered by their insurance at the moment of impact.

Liberty mutual wont do shit with contacting the offenders insurance or a police report. The police report is slacking and might be another week or two till it arrives.

Truck was purchased for some 20k.

What can he do? Needs a rental truck to work. Doesnt wanna come out of pocket for that, rightfully so. There may also be a 2300 dollar deductable.

Should he sue? Is that remotely worth even trying?

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
Does he have uninsured motorist coverage? Many states require it, if so LM should cover it. Often if a person doesn't have insurance they also don't have money. Have him do Google for laws in his state as those vary. I had good luck figuring out stuff in my state


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
Asking for a friend who got tboned and his truck was totaled.

He is with liberty mutual, turns out the person that hit him wasnt covered by their insurance at the moment of impact.

Liberty mutual wont do shit with contacting the offenders insurance or a police report. The police report is slacking and might be another week or two till it arrives.

Truck was purchased for some 20k.

What can he do? Needs a rental truck to work. Doesnt wanna come out of pocket for that, rightfully so. There may also be a 2300 dollar deductable.

Should he sue? Is that remotely worth even trying?
Suing will take forever and won't help him avoid out of pocket expenses but yes he will likely need to. Having been in the insurance claims biz 23 years, liberty is very bad. If he wasn't covered at the time of accident then yeah there's no point in liberty contacting their insurance, there's no coverage.


Asking for a friend who got tboned and his truck was totaled.

He is with liberty mutual, turns out the person that hit him wasnt covered by their insurance at the moment of impact.

Liberty mutual wont do shit with contacting the offenders insurance or a police report. The police report is slacking and might be another week or two till it arrives.

Truck was purchased for some 20k.

What can he do? Needs a rental truck to work. Doesnt wanna come out of pocket for that, rightfully so. There may also be a 2300 dollar deductable.

Should he sue? Is that remotely worth even trying?
Sue? Absofuckinglutely. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 - but call the nastiest lawyer he can find. Do it now.


Autocross Champion
Asking for a friend who got tboned and his truck was totaled.

He is with liberty mutual, turns out the person that hit him wasnt covered by their insurance at the moment of impact.

Liberty mutual wont do shit with contacting the offenders insurance or a police report. The police report is slacking and might be another week or two till it arrives.

Truck was purchased for some 20k.

What can he do? Needs a rental truck to work. Doesnt wanna come out of pocket for that, rightfully so. There may also be a 2300 dollar deductable.

Should he sue? Is that remotely worth even trying?

Sue? Absofuckinglutely. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 - but call the nastiest lawyer he can find. Do it now.
Maybe I'm just a vindictive asshole, but agree 100% on suing for the damage and/or the deductible on the uninsured motorist coverage, even if they don't have the money to give out of pocket. Getting your money back over time is better than not at all. If they're only asking for the deductible, that's small claims court and doesn't require a lawyer or a long lead time.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion