CSB3: Golnat Explains How To Make Your Own Creamer Naturally Using Nothing But A Vivid Imagination And Acadia n00dz


Autocross Champion
When I started having a nerve issue that caused my right arm and part of my neck to go numb my PCP just said “don’t do those things” - no referral, nothing. Fucking POS. Went in for my physical with the LNP this year and she told me he’s finally retiring. We both shared horror stories.

I'm about to hit 5 years with my employer. In that timeframe, I've paid my insurance company almost $18,000.

Just recently, I went to an orthopedist for a shoulder issue.

"Hey insurance, I've given you almost $18k over the last 5 years. Could you pay this $276 bill for an ortho visit (which will be the first of a few), and $457 for their recommended MRI?"

"Lol, get fucked n00b. We'll count it toward your deductible though..."

Make it make sense...


Autocross Champion
insurance is great.

you pay into it hoping to never use it, and the insurance company hopes you never have to use it too!!
They actually want you to use it for little things like preventative care, wellness, general health, etc. That’s why that stuff is often $0 or low copay. Because the big stuff is really damn expensive.They don’t want that. It’s crazy the costs health insurers (and people) are dealing with right now simply due to Covid causing people to not regularly visit doctors.


Autocross Champion
(I work for an insurer and actually one of the most important things we do is try and get people to use their insurance.)

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
Idk if I have mentioned my insurance idea.

All health insurance plans should include $500,000 in life insurance (i understand that's a cost). If they do the obvious and deny coverage and you die at least they will be forced to pay out.

Think Pinto and exploding gas tanks where Ford thought it would be cheaper to pay some law suits instead of protecting the tanks.

Mud for President


Autocross Champion
When I started having a nerve issue that caused my right arm and part of my neck to go numb my PCP just said “don’t do those things” - no referral, nothing. Fucking POS. Went in for my physical with the LNP this year and she told me he’s finally retiring. We both shared horror stories.
Fix yo shit, I wanna armwrestle you lol.


Autocross Champion
Rest, NSAIDs and ROM excerises are likely going to be the first thing they do, unless they can determine an obvious etiology on exam, i.e. internal derangement, can feel laxity in ACL/PCL, or feel the meniscus catching. Very few primary care providers have the strength or the experience to do a proper knee exam, though, so...They'll do some xrays, but they rarely pick up anything, unless joint space is severely affected and the radiologist has previous xrays for comparison.

Then it's usually off to physical therapy for 3 to 6 months. If not resolved, then ortho.

Some doctors religiously stick to those guidelines, others will fudge findings and direct to ortho. Luck of the draw and determined by insurance company.

If it makes you feel any better, rest, nsaids and physical therapy resolve 75% of knee pain.

That's why they make you jump through hoops to see ortho or get MRI.

That's going to be $1000. Sorry, I'm not in network. You can PayPal me. 🤣
The way I see it, something in my knee is not in the right place
I've had this problem before and just rested and slowly got back into lifting/jumping, but I'm tired of it being a risk
Hoping I don't get a "discount tire" doctor


Autocross Champion
I love hearing all the smokers complain how they have to pay more than none smokers.


I wouldn’t consider 169k to be “well over” 100k.

It also isn’t enough with the exorbitant salaries and ballooning of top end wealth. The fact that “wealth” now equates to “the imaginary money that we call the EcONoMy” needs to find a way to tax the fuck out of every motherfucker in that sky high bracket. Eat the rich, feast on their fucking blood or keep licking the boot as it pushes you further down their economic ladder.
Really? It is "only" a 60% increase.

Since it isn't that much, you wouldn't mind taking a 40% cut in pay?

Where's the picture of the new rug-rat with a shoe on her head?


Those minimum wage earners in Australia have tax funded healthcare and college, so not even close to the same thing.

You're being pedantic. $100k, $200k, doesn't matter. The cap is too low. We have people making tens or hundreds of millions paying peanuts in both SS and income taxes.
Moving the goalposts doesn't really change anything. I agree that the cap is absurd, but increasing the cap won't magically raise the amount people get on social security - it would only mean that social security continues to be funded. I never understood why that cap hasn't gone away by now. If you're making over the cap, you probably don't even notice that you're getting a couple of extra dollars in your paycheck towards the end of the year.


Autocross Champion
Moving the goalposts doesn't really change anything. I agree that the cap is absurd, but increasing the cap won't magically raise the amount people get on social security - it would only mean that social security continues to be funded. I never understood why that cap hasn't gone away by now. If you're making over the cap, you probably don't even notice that you're getting a couple of extra dollars in your paycheck towards the end of the year.
Incorrect. I notice and it's appreciated.


Idk if I have mentioned my insurance idea.

All health insurance plans should include $500,000 in life insurance (i understand that's a cost). If they do the obvious and deny coverage and you die at least they will be forced to pay out.

Think Pinto and exploding gas tanks where Ford thought it would be cheaper to pay some law suits instead of protecting the tanks.

Mud for President
Can't be worse that the current alternatives.

Should we start a write-in campaign?