CSB3: Forum Discusses Nicknames For Their Wiener And Muds Danger Noodle - Mrs Mud Runs And Hides


Autocross Champion
If you look up its definition on urban dictionary and scroll through you'll get an idea of what it means.


I 100% know subjecting prisoners to more crime and violence is not the answer to crime.

I'm not saying it should be a day spa, but they should be safe while in custody and receive counseling at a minimum.

It's impossible to do this because we choose to overfill prisons for minor, nonviolent offenses, because we've privatized state prisons and guaranteed the CEO's of a minimum occupancy in the contracts. We literally have prison quotas. Multiple judges have been prosecuted for getting kickbacks to send kids to jail for minor offenses.

I'm all for capitalism when it comes to cars, tv's, phones, gizmos and gadgets, but our health care, military, judicial and penal system, probation, etc... should 100% not be run for profit. It's a complete conflict of interests.
I agree in principle, but in cases of violent offenders - especially gratuitous violence against a SO/children - counseling seldom (never?) helps and having a one-on-one with Bubba is karma


Autocross Champion
Jay, am I at risk if I use some G12 (like a half gallon) and do the rest in distilled water? Should I ditch the distilled water and just buy more G12? Should I just use a bottle of additive and the rest in distilled agua?
It is cold in MA still (usually 30s).

They didn't teach me this in Spanish 5 honors.


Autocross Champion
IF you believe them.
Even then, ultimately it’s inconsequential I believe unless you plan on flashing over and over and over. But we have guys in the DIY group who have easily done 100+ flashes without issue so I don’t know where the limit actually is. I myself did 50 or so flashes on my mk7. I don’t know what the benefit is of resetting the counter if it doesn’t help you avoid a TD1 (it doesn’t, unless APR is holding that info back for legal reasons).


Autocross Champion
What is a TD1?
It's a code they flag your car with in VW's service computer system. It means that you're ECU was modified and they can deny claims for drivetrain if they believe the tune caused the failure.

My car is flagged TD1 and they've yet to deny a claim. They've done aux water pump and water pump while car was flagged.

Dealer tried to deny the first claim, I told them my warranty isn't with the dealer, submit the claim with VWoA. Within 5 min work was approved. The person on the phone asked if the water pump was modified or tampered with, dealer said no, VW said approved.
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Autocross Champion
Even then, ultimately it’s inconsequential I believe unless you plan on flashing over and over and over. But we have guys in the DIY group who have easily done 100+ flashes without issue so I don’t know where the limit actually is. I myself did 50 or so flashes on my mk7. I don’t know what the benefit is of resetting the counter if it doesn’t help you avoid a TD1 (it doesn’t, unless APR is holding that info back for legal reasons).
Reflashing causes howling noises is what I got out of that post. 🤣

But seriously, if you flash it back to stock, and the flash counter is correct, if that's really the case, how would VW know?


Autocross Champion
I agree in principle, but in cases of violent offenders - especially gratuitous violence against a SO/children - counseling seldom (never?) helps and having a one-on-one with Bubba is karma
Principles go a long ways to creating a good society. 🤷‍♂️

Bubba justice is crime. I'm against crime.


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
Jay, am I at risk if I use some G12 (like a half gallon) and do the rest in distilled water? Should I ditch the distilled water and just buy more G12? Should I just use a bottle of additive and the rest in distilled agua?
It is cold in MA still (usually 30s).

They didn't teach me this in Spanish 5 honors.
It's meant to be mixed. Keep it around 50/50