CSB3: Grandmas Boy Gives Rice Individual Throttle Boners


Autocross Champion
Wife and I booked a cruise for later this year, royal caribbean wonder of the seas. I'm pretty stoked

Start sliming down now!! You are gonna do so much eating.

I’ve been on 2 and RC was nice. Went to Bermuda.


Autocross Champion

good gooooood


Autocross Champion
I thought that was Rice's baby for a moment.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
lol yeah everythings fine so far.
short story (not much of a csb)
our pregnancy is considered 'high risk' due to gestational diabetes, as such theres been a lot of tracking glucose in the blood, managing with insulin, going to 'stress tests' where they track baby's heart rate, etc.
long story short they decided based on size of baby (likely ~8+ lbs now!), one stress test where she wasn't active and the diabetes getting very wild late term they wanted to pull the plug and induce labor. nothing actually wrong, just avoiding various risks by inducing early.

we came in friday, they began inducing labor by some cervix softening meds, then just today when the cervix was softened enough they began an official 'inducing' med which helps the body start contractions.

currently she is getting some very minor contractions, waiting for baby to drop a little lower then the water may either break or the doctors can break it for us.

with any luck... sometime tonight we may officially be in labor? we will see.

i'm a restless fucking guy though, so all of this hurry up and wait business blows balls, but i would not want to be in my poor wife's state rn.


Autocross Champion
wtf does that math mean??? How is -1 an answer???
'negative' is the answer and i'm not good at being a nerdy smartass

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
Washed Comet and GTI. Ordered a bunch of stuff from Amazon. Went for a ride. Mrs Mud is making Irish Soda bread, I am doing Corned beef on Tuesday. Two pieces of beef, simmered for 1.5 h baked for 2 h. Boiled to remove salt and give liquid for veg, baked to intensify flavor cause otherwise bland.


Autocross Champion
i'm not into 'irish food' yet unfortunately, but i'm 0% irish (and 100% ginger)