CSB3: Grandmas Boy Gives Rice Individual Throttle Boners


Autocross Champion
I've not been a fan of the Mini interior for a long, long time. But I guess that's why I have a VW. Nobody else seems to do interiors quite like VAG, though across the board they've gotten better lately. I never thought I'd care about a car's interior until the first time I drove a non-VW. I want to say it was a Sierra? Some GM pickup. For how new it was, it felt straight out of the early 90's, and it was awful. Lots of plastic, lots of non-matching colors, just didn't please the eye. And then I started looking more, and finding more and more that the things I'd come to appreciate in my little Golf were in fact decently thought out and had some attention put into them beyond 'what's the cheapest LED color'.

I still can't tell how long healing "should" take, my shoulder's been messed up for several days now but it's finally calming down. I generally don't like taking meds though, so I just suffer loudly and bitch about it


Drag Racing Champion
Yep. Every day I wake up in pain. At least I get a nice check and free healthcare out of it.
I've seen memes that joke about how military years are directly equivalent to dog years. I can't really argue with that logic most days.


Autocross Champion
I've not been a fan of the Mini interior for a long, long time. But I guess that's why I have a VW. Nobody else seems to do interiors quite like VAG, though across the board they've gotten better lately. I never thought I'd care about a car's interior until the first time I drove a non-VW. I want to say it was a Sierra? Some GM pickup. For how new it was, it felt straight out of the early 90's, and it was awful. Lots of plastic, lots of non-matching colors, just didn't please the eye. And then I started looking more, and finding more and more that the things I'd come to appreciate in my little Golf were in fact decently thought out and had some attention put into them beyond 'what's the cheapest LED color'.

I still can't tell how long healing "should" take, my shoulder's been messed up for several days now but it's finally calming down. I generally don't like taking meds though, so I just suffer loudly and bitch about it

Well GM was one of the worse on interiors for a long time. Tho my GTI interior is very nice it is not holding up as well as in my Honda’s.


Autocross Champion
It can be a nod to the classic Mini interior, and still be hideous. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.


Autocross Champion
The bodily fluid kaleidoscope is the best. One 2am changing my first born blasted me with shit, piss, and puke at the same time.

I just cried a little while I cleaned it up.

My doula said once. “Welcome to being a parent… where you don’t sleep and color/texture/quantity of feces is normal conversation.
My son had fever that wouldn't come down with Tylenol. I was holding him in the shower, letting cool water run over his skin to help cool him and he puked, shit and pissed on me. Easiest clean up ever.


Autocross Champion
Close. Near 40 year old man dealing with a shoulder issue.
Those are rookie numbers.

55 next month, I'm on second shoulder surgery, knees shot, three herniated disks, a chronic wrist injury that won't heal and they can't figure out what's wrong, I piss every 30 min and everything hurts everyday.


Drag Racing Champion
Old man chat
Was that before, or after you laced up your white New Balance shoes this morning?

It could be worse.......we could be Corvette owners discussing our ailments and how our great-grandchildren disappointed us today.



Autocross Champion
Meh. I had a Mini loaner for about two months after the BMW dealer crashed my car into a pole after a service (and didn't tell me - I had to point it out to them as I was picking up the car - the passenger side bumper and fender were pretty well smashed) and were hoping that I wouldn't notice until after I had driven away.

The mini was kinda fun (it was 2010ish) but the lack of a speedometer in front of me drove me nuts and the back seat was a joke.
R56's are my favorite looking of the BMW MINI's but the PSA engine is Not Great.

I'm 5'9" 285 and fit fine in the back seat so idk man.

there was a customer with a bayswater edition that looked identical to this that i loved.



Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
P Diddy and R Kelly going to share a cell?


Autocross Champion
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Autocross Champion
That's awful. From description of events, sounds like ship had some kind of a steering or propulsion casualty.

They've pulled couple people from the water alive, I vote they find more.

"Steering or propulsion casualty" is code for "the captain drank too much grog".