CSB3: Grandmas Boy Gives Rice Individual Throttle Boners


just clowning around
Every vehicle I own could do that if I drove like a jackass. I just renewed the registration on my bike today and it is going to be a glorious weekend. I dont even need to leave first gear to get into trouble on a motorcycle.

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
did google my first non-pos car had 65 HP (1980 Mazda GLC). other ones didn't count before because they never were making close to factory before I could afford them.

the GLC was one of the best cars I ever owned. I put over 60K miles on it (sold it with 120K) and the only non-maintenance thing was distributor caps only lasted about 9-10 months.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Everyone is gonna be enjoying their holiday so probably hardly any posting.

I work all weekend and am only off on Monday because it’s my normally scheduled day off.


Autocross Champion
That's a long jerkfest.

i-said-hey-he-man (6).gif


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
My only plans this weekend are a car wash and I want to see what kind of sales are out there. I need a new mouse for my PC. I want Returnal to go on sale so I can grab that on PC. I already have the platinum trophy on PS5, but I really want this game on PC. Maybe I'll pick up a different game if I find the right one. If the paddles I want go on sale maybe I'll grab those too, but someone's also trying to set up a group buy on those. Not a lot of 8Y RS3 parts out there so far so I probably won't be finding anything good. I might not buy anything until I get an exhaust anyway.

I got a few places in mind for taking some new pics of the car so maybe I'll do that.

I might try and go to a friends house one day, but it's his GFs bday this weekend and it's already hard enough to meet up with him now that they have a kid.

Beer friday got canceled, so I'll just be going home after work today.