CSB3: Grandmas Boy Gives Rice Individual Throttle Boners


Autocross Champion
Just checked mine, which to the lazy eye could be a Rabbit Edition but is an S. Currently reads ~24k trade in, which is pretty dope considering that's about what I paid for it, with 22k miles more, and now it's paid off.

Not that I'd trade it in though tbh, I tend to keep cars for a lifetime and a half.


Autocross Champion
I need to figure out how to bring water over to my garage without it being horribly ugly. I'm tempted to add a little roof over our stairs going down to the garage level, and running the hose above it to keep it out of the way. I dunno. Maybe quick connects as well, to keep from having water sit stagnant in the high sections.
This is an outdoor area it has to cross? I'd hard pipe it with vents/drains for winter time. Ideally buried lines under the frost line with a quick connect for a compressor to blow it out, like an irrigation system.

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
rent a trencher? If you do lay in 3/4 2" PVC pipes. run electricity/water (pex) /etc inside those

what is long term goal?


Autocross Champion
Mine has went down 10k in a year. This makes me sad......


Autocross Champion
Every time I think the car market has corrected I check out prices on cool cars and find that:

If you want some base model SUV or Truck, they've got those.

If you want any kind of cool car, or even a lame SUV but with top trim package you'll find that the non-negotiable high prices are still fully entrenched. You'll be lucky to pay MSRP.


Autocross Champion
Carmax won't give an offer over the internet.


Autocross Champion
I think my fender bender caused that. I wish KY had depreciated value laws.


Autocross Champion
right wingers thinking they can meme/are funny is always great to me.
"Doctor said i can only have one beer a day now"
* ridiculously huge glass of beer *

"haha us boomers are so funny"