CSB3: Grandmas Boy Gives Rice Individual Throttle Boners


Autocross Champion
I wonder what a carmax offer would be like, if it'd be closer to the carvana or kbb offer. I don't want to plug in my old vin and get a bunch of phone calls though. lol
Google Voice number. Burner gmail account. Disable the call forwarding and just have it dump voicemails to email.


Autocross Champion
I made an amazing save earlier (saving my car from my own stupidity.)

I'm entering the highway, some dum dum in an 18 wheeler decides to dead stop at the end of the entrance ramp, there isn't a stop sign, or even a yield.

Anyway, now we're all crawling onto the highway but it's actually wide open except for one car in the middle lane. I look over my shoulder and gas it, I instantly discover this idiot in the middle lane merging right (like getting behind slow ass truck still going 30) I blast the brakes and steer further right, back onto the entrance ramp.

Must have missed by inches since I did first start merging while looking over my shoulder, right at that point the dude who was in the middle was actually parallel to me so we were perfectly lined up to crash if I didn't correct back.

Really got my heart pounding 😆


Autocross Champion
The superior transmission is just worth more I guess.



Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
You guys and your awesome carvana offers got me wondering...

Dying over here lmao




Autocross Champion
Mine will only become more desirable as manuals disappear and VW already killed the coupe. Carvana won't know that but the people who knows up will.


Autocross Champion
Hot Hatch Boi w/ k ohh four bay bee.


Autocross Champion
theres a local shop ive dealt with at the past few brands called "the shop with no name" and i want to berate them every single time they call for having the second dumbest repair facility name in the state.

the worst is "the shop ct"