CSB3: Ster-ring The Pot, Jays Finger Has Competition

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
MT owner here. Those who hate on the dsg when comparing it to the MT that with it's only meh feeling and weak clutch have issues. It's not a bad MT I find it easy to shift but lacks good physical engagement and even at stock power levels it can easily slip the clutch.

I know where Ski lives...traffic shouldn't be his reason for a DSG. Other reason's (including preference) I will allow

;) #jimLloyd


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Our lord and savior Glenn Danzig give me the strength not to sell my house and buy this
CSB - I still remember the first time I saw one. I was driving south from Rome on the A1 going through the mountains in the Corrado and hauling ass. I came up behind it and just admired it for a few minutes, pulling along side and getting a side view. My wife had to listen to me go on and on about all the specs. It was driven by a white haired old Italian man doing 5 mph under the speed limit. South of Rome in the late 90's, speed limits were a suggestion and this dude was still slow poking along.

Life isn't fair. I drove off at triple digit speeds and he soldiered on at 5 under.


Autocross Champion
Manual vs. Auto is a WRX debate.

There the auto actually makes you lame cause the manual is good and there's no excuse to choose the auto.

On the GTI the manual is meh, like Mud was saying. It's still fun, it's funny tho, when you drive hard on a actual driving road there's hardly any shifting anyway. All the best roads around here are 2-3 roads. If you actually need 4th, you're about to crash.

Like, we always bring this up, but the newest R is detuned because the manual is so weak and it's discontinued now anyway. And now there's only one more year of the manual GTI left but have y'all actually seen the lever in the mk8? It's like the cheapest piece of garbage plastic I've ever seen and then it's gonna be kind of mushy on top of that.

What honestly good manuals are left out there on a car you can buy new? 86/BRZ, WRX, Type R, Supra 3.0.... is that it? Do Mustangs still offer a manual? This is the last year of the Camero (maybe next year?)


Autocross Champion
Like, we always bring this up, but the newest R is detuned because the manual is so weak and it's discontinued now anyway. And now there's only one more year of the manual GTI left but have y'all actually seen the lever in the mk8? It's like the cheapest piece of garbage plastic I've ever seen and then it's gonna be kind of mushy on top of that.
They've actually been popping off of the shaft while people are driving.


Autocross Champion
I'd have to pay someone to do that and I only have one car 🙃