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Autocross Champion
Not CSB: some friends of ours daughter was murdered last week. She was a traveling nurse, she had been dating a former NFL player, turned HS football coach. She broke up with him and went by to pick up her stuff and he choked her to death. WTF is wrong with people? sorry to hear that.

They say the most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when the parter tries to leave.


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
Not CSB: some friends of ours daughter was murdered last week. She was a traveling nurse, she had been dating a former NFL player, turned HS football coach. She broke up with him and went by to pick up her stuff and he choked her to death. WTF is wrong with people?
Wtf that's awful


Autocross Champion
I'm kinda surprised Arin hasn't posted a new thread in every single sub-topic about the APR Ultralink cable yet... USP just posted to Facebook that they have a ton in stock and are for sale. Really curious to see what that does to the APR dealer network.
spoke too soon


Autocross Champion
Not CSB: some friends of ours daughter was murdered last week. She was a traveling nurse, she had been dating a former NFL player, turned HS football coach. She broke up with him and went by to pick up her stuff and he choked her to death. WTF is wrong with people?
Sorry to hear that :( that's awful.


Autocross Champion
spoke too soon


Autocross Champion
Yeah, let's hope that Bubba has some fun with him before he is strangled for looking at somebody crosswise.
I'm more inclined not to wish more violence and lawlessness into an already violent society. You don't stop societal violence with more societal violence and lawlessness.

I'm more inclined to a Scandinavian type prison system. They have a much, much lower recidivism rate than we do. Teaching violent people to be even more violent behind bars isn't a winner strategy in my opinion.


Autocross Champion
Gotta be careful with that Rule 2.

I think the justice system here has a systemic issue of mis-calibrated punishments (...among other things). Some folks getting 10 years for possession and sale of weed while other folks getting 5 years for manslaughter. I can understand wanting some "make up justice" to pick up the court's slack.

I'm not sure a full switch to a Scandinavian model would work here because we've got fairly different socioeconomic pressures/factors. I do think putting more effort in to actual education of prisoners would be beneficial.


I'm more inclined not to wish more violence and lawlessness into an already violent society. You don't stop societal violence with more societal violence and lawlessness.

I'm more inclined to a Scandinavian type prison system. They have a much, much lower recidivism rate than we do. Teaching violent people to be even more violent behind bars isn't a winner strategy in my opinion.
At the risk of getting crosswise with the rules - there isn't much you can do with somebody who decides to kill their wife/girlfriend/SO just because.

There are multiple studies that show that the Scandinavian system doesn't work well for violent offenders.


Autocross Champion
Fixed this. The tires were just ridiculously overinflated. What’s PDI hurr durr
I heard about this happening with some RS3s too. I forget the reasoning for it, but I think some dealers were inflating tires to the max PSI instead of what it should actually be.