CSB3: Golnat Explains How To Make Your Own Creamer Naturally Using Nothing But A Vivid Imagination And Acadia n00dz


Autocross Champion
Got roasted today. Was in line at a restaurant and the little girl in front of me (maybe 4?) dropped her coloring book. I playfully said “Oops! You better pick that up before I color in it!” She gave me full on stink eye, carefully grabbed her book, then grabbed her mom’s leg. Said “mommy that old guy said he was going to color in my book.” She laughed.

I’m 40. And not that much gray hair thank you very much. Fucking roasted by a 4-year-old 😤

Turn 40 this year. My 9 year old daughter said I wasn't hip and cool. The struggle out there is real. Bet.

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion

On my way home yesterday and was going to hit book sale at local small town library (after freaking out slightly cause crowds on Saturday). Get in car and damn it's nice. Radio person sez "hey Mud, go out and enjoy this afternoon cause it's real nice and may rain tomorrow"

drive home, invite Mrs Mud out for Pizza/Hike. She sez yes. On the way I tell her "I'm going to stop and get ice-cream"

pretty good evening

Pizza: All spinach & 1/2 sausage white
Ice-cream: Bittersweet choc/Heath


Autocross Champion
And yeah last year I had a 4 year old tell me I had a big belly like Santa.

Almost punted that little fucker
Jay's response:
"Get yo money up, not yo funny up"

Human weight reduction will also shorten lap times brah
(satirelloydrule:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: )


Autocross Champion
Freedom page 1776!


Go Kart Champion
Funeral yesterday for my dad's dad. Always the jokester, he fuckin passed on April 1st at 98 years old. Roughly 3 years after his wife/my grandmother. Learned some stuff I didn't know about him so that's pretty cool, largely childhood stuff like fleeing China at a young age to come to the USA, surviving a bad fire that put him in the hospital for a year, and then a career at RCA as an engineer that spanned his lifetime. I didn't really get to spend a ton of time with my paternal grandparents, but I'm glad they aren't suffering or lonely at this point.

dying isn't a transition. It's fucking death. It sucks, but it's the end of experiencing the loneliness of losing someone you love. The notion that paradise is the next step after life makes life entirely worthless, and I hate that viewpoint. If you look for meaning in your life, but then follow it up with 'well now I'm gonna fuck off to the clouds to be with people who died before me and it'll be like a free pass at Disney', why the fuck would you bother doing anything with life at all? If I were sure that something less shitty than life was actually going to be an option and all I had to do is die, I'd fucking neck myself ASAP. I get that it comforts people who are still living and helps some of them deal with the loss, but I can't help but feel that it also cheapens the magic of life and what we do with the time we've got.

got some Bojangles while in VA which is always appreciated, we don't have them in PA anymore and I fucking love fried chicken. Around 9 hours of driving total, which is a lot for a single day but it was nice to see some family that I don't often see and catch up a little.

It doesn't feel like froggo day, but at least it's halfway through the week.
Sorry for your loss but a little curious why you referred to your grandfather (actual bloodline) as dad's dad but his wife (marriage) as grandmother?


Autocross Champion
Sorry for your loss but a little curious why you referred to your grandfather (actual bloodline) as dad's dad but his wife (marriage) as grandmother?
Mainly because I also lost my grandmother on my mom's side a couple years ago, and I don't always do the best with consistency in descriptors. I guess I should've said maternal/paternal throughout.

I'm adopted, so no blood relation to anybody.


Autocross Champion
Has anyone else noticed all the pics of the eclipse are photo-shopped?

Look at the layers Sheeple!

My neighbor kinda force-gifted me a spare pair of glasses. I was rather pleased with myself and the pinhole projector, but it was a cool thing to see once in a while. Who knows, maybe it'll get some people just the slightest bit interested in space.

It's easy to lose sight of just how large the world is, how there's so many people everywhere just doing regular life stuff with some different little bits here and there, and by extension causes me to wonder what's out beyond what human eyes have seen/experienced. To the best of human knowledge the universe is infinite, and it'd be so cool to see what kind of wonders exist beyond our little rock.


Autocross Champion
Nah, not hours, like 30-45 minutes, so more of a warm start issue. Been tracking it for a while here:

This thread over at the "other forum" describes it almost exactly, with post #36 explaining it pretty well:
Have you checked residential fuel pressure? Being shorter intervals only means your leak or fuel pump damage is worse than normal.


Autocross Champion
It's easy to lose sight of just how large the world is, how there's so many people everywhere just doing regular life stuff with some different little bits here and there, and by extension causes me to wonder what's out beyond what human eyes have seen/experienced. To the best of human knowledge the universe is infinite, and it'd be so cool to see what kind of wonders exist beyond our little rock.
This is my line of thinking when it comes to spending money on shit I don't need (car stuff usually)


Autocross Champion
Mainly because I also lost my grandmother on my mom's side a couple years ago, and I don't always do the best with consistency in descriptors. I guess I should've said maternal/paternal throughout.

I'm adopted, so no blood relation to anybody.

My dad was adopted and we have tried to get his records releases from PA but they are sealed apparently. Like WTF. My step mom was adopted in DE and she found her birth parents in a day or 2.


Autocross Champion
This is my line of thinking when it comes to spending money on shit I don't need (car stuff usually)

No luggage rack on a hearse young