The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
Oh so you defend fake information, because you like someone.

Explains your voting for Trump twice and you bouncing back and forth between voting democrat and republican. You're a simpleton moron that can't spend 5 minutes to actually look at peoples record and policies, and instead vote for the "likeable" person.

Like I said, booger eating moron. You are why there's warnings on shampoo.
I did not defend any statement. Again with the booger eating moron. So fucking childish. Oh and I didn't need to read the warning label on shampoo but apparently you did.


Autocross Champion
You spout such a never ending spew of bullshit that it would take a whole team of unpaid college interns working around the clock to debunk everything you say. Not because it's hard to do, but because there's just so much shit.

But lets take a look at some of the examples I checked myself.

Remember the time you claimed 6 police offers on a beach in Florida were harassing a man simply for not wearing a mask? And it turns out the picture wasn't even from our country, but a protest in South Africa?

View attachment 212733

Or how about the time you claimed the Equality Act allowed 3 year olds to get sex change operations, and I even offered to cover your $500 debt if you could point out where it said that?

View attachment 212735

Those are just a few examples with irrefutable proof, not "he said she said" bullshit like you normally try claiming.
You must have copied those for future use or spent a lot of time finding them. Amazing that this stuff is so important to you.


The Fixer
I know there's not point trying to argue, but...

"A study published earlier this year (which received much less fanfare it has to be said) explored the impact of error on patient mortality. They studied the impact of all adverse events (medical and otherwise) on mortality rates in the US between 1990 and 2016. They found that the number of deaths in that whole 26 year period due to adverse events was 123,603. That’s 4754 deaths a year. Roughly one hundredth the figure banded around following Makary and Daniel (2016). Based on 2,813,503 total deaths in the US every year that makes adverse events responsible for 0.17% of deaths in the US. Not a third. 0.17%."
Take it up with John Hopkins University School of Medicine, and CNBC.


The Fixer
Hmmm...why would they pick THIS particular number?? Mark of the beast anyone?



Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Three cheeseburger a week seems like a lot o_O . I'll get a burger maybe three times a month.

As for guns...its way more than 270 million now. Last number I remember seeing is some 400 million. Thats is the number of registered guns...who knows how many more are out there that are not registered.
I agree on the 3 cheeseburgers per week average that's too high.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Well yes. It's a game that only really benefits those with more.

401ks should be if they're with a decent company as a 401k is a spread rather than a direct investment. Somewhat like owning ETF shares.

Honestly anyone who has a company match and isn't at least investing the minimum for that is leaving money on the table.

The idea though is your money not losing out to inflation and low savings returns.
As long as the stock market doesn't crash. In the real estate bust lots of people lost everything and were too old to recover financially before retirement.


Autocross Champion
It's the same way I was able to find the picture you posted in about 3 seconds. Don't have to save anything.



The Fixer


The Fixer


The Fixer