The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
Btw, I think it's safe to assume that blood work is a lot cheaper than 2 doses of the vaccine. So, for people who are young and healthy, why not have them get tested for pre-existing immunity, if they want? If they are immune, allow them to be exempt from any vaccine mandates. Same should go for those who have recovered from an infection.

This is the science.
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Autocross Champion
I can't fault any gov leaders or top scientists for going ahead with vaccine funding -- it showed immediate promise. Like I said, the jury is still out on whether this HCoV adaptable immunity is enough -- and besides that, not everyone has it. It looks like scientists all over are actively studying this, though. In the meantime, we've had a pretty effective vaccine rolling out for a while now. Parallel paths are totally valid here. Just because all the media attention is on vaccines doesn't mean that other things aren't being worked on.

Vac funding is one thing. Rolling out a vac half a year after announcing it and moving toward forcible vaccination of everyone with a raw vaccine is another. Especially given that governments worldwide have been less than honest with people over the past 1.5 years.


Autocross Champion
I can't fault any gov leaders or top scientists for going ahead with vaccine funding -- it showed immediate promise. Like I said, the jury is still out on whether this HCoV adaptable immunity is enough -- and besides that, not everyone has it. It looks like scientists all over are actively studying this, though. In the meantime, we've had a pretty effective vaccine rolling out for a while now. Parallel paths are totally valid here. Just because all the media attention is on vaccines doesn't mean that other things aren't being worked on.

Gov can fund this type of research, but they haven't and won't. Instead they actively suppress anything that goes against the mass vaccination narrative. They react to new data when it benefits their narrative, and ignore new data when it doesn't.

The vaccine does not reduce viral load, does not prevent infection and Israel is on their 4 shot within a year. Not to mention the associated risks with mRNA and the spike protein itself. The more you're exposed to the spike protein, the greater your risk of developing myocarditis and other ill effects. Yet, we want to continue having our bodies produce this spike 3-4 times a year!? It's crazy that this is what passes as an effective vaccine now.


Interesting article. Seems like some people have memory T cells that have learned to look out for human coronaviruses that cause typical seasonal colds, and those same T cells could also help protect against CoV2 since the virus structures are similar. Not exactly COVID-19 immunity, but helpful nonetheless. Almost like how ginger and horseradish compounds are able to somewhat fit into the receptors on your tongue that recognize capsaicin.
This would explain why some previously unexposed people remain asymptomatic or only experience mild symptoms during an infection, and some end up having an awful week or two... or worse.
Regardless, the jury is still out on whether or not this helpful immunity is enough for the whole population. All of the sources cited in the article state that there's still work to be done and studies to be conducted to find out more about this. Pretty cool, though.

Edit: spelling is hard
That, and this


Btw, I think it's safe to assume that blood work is a lot cheaper than 2 doses of the vaccine. So, for people who are young and healthy, why not have them get tested for pre-existing immunity, if they want? If they are immune, allow them to be exempt from any vaccine mandates. Same should go for those who have recovered from an infection.

This is the science.
Unlikely. One dose is right around $20...


Autocross Champion
4 anti vax conservative radio hosts have died from Covid 19 in the last month.

That's a good start. Let the control group donate their lives for science. Freedum
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They're dumb fucks, catering to dumb fucks, that don't like to be told they're dumb fucks and got what they deserved.

If they hadn't died, they'd still be leading the dumb fuck masses to their deaths like zrickety.
Every preventable death is unfortunate - but these deaths get more publicity and hopefully someone else will get vaccinated because of this.


Autocross Champion
Gov can fund this type of research, but they haven't and won't. Instead they actively suppress anything that goes against the mass vaccination narrative. They react to new data when it benefits their narrative, and ignore new data when it doesn't.

Do we know for a fact that the government is not funding this type of research? Got a source?

The vaccine does not reduce viral load, does not prevent infection and Israel is on their 4 shot within a year. Not to mention the associated risks with mRNA and the spike protein itself. The more you're exposed to the spike protein, the greater your risk of developing myocarditis and other ill effects. Yet, we want to continue having our bodies produce this spike 3-4 times a year!? It's crazy that this is what passes as an effective vaccine now.
While I agree that the vaccine does not reduce viral load, vaccines are not always intended to completely prevent infection -- we've been over this. They make infection less likely, and if it does happen, they make symptoms less severe -- the COVID vaccines are accomplishing this part very well. There are vaccine risks, but they're all so much lower in occurrence and more mild than actually catching the thing. All these adverse vaccine reactions are a nothing-sandwich when compared to the risks of the disease itself.

As for the myocarditis point, studies show that vaccines cause a 3-fold risk of myocarditis, but actually catching the disease causes an 18-fold risk.

"Myocarditis and an associated risk, pericarditis (inflammation around the heart) have previously been linked to the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines themselves, particularly among adolescent boys and young men. But the risk is far higher after infection with COVID-19, according to the new paper by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)." ..."The CDC study pointed to a paper by Israeli researchers published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine that found that messenger RNA vaccines increased the risk of myocarditis three-fold. That paper showed COVID increased the chances of developing myocarditis 18-fold, roughly in line with the new CDC study."

Myocarditis risk higher for COVID than for vaccines: study (
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Autocross Champion
Do we know for a fact that the government is not funding this type of research? Got a source?

Yeah. You can search everything the government is funding, you won't find anything related to pre-existing immunity. You can start here:

While I agree that the vaccine does not reduce viral load, vaccines are not always intended to completely prevent infection

We've already been through this once already. Either you want to believe the science or you don't. I don't care.

All these adverse vaccine reactions are a nothing-sandwich when compared to the risks of the disease itself.

Risk of the virus for whom? What group are you referring to? If you're elderly or compromised, yes get the vaccine. However, for everyone else the risk of the vaccine may not outweigh the reward. It depends.

As for the myocarditis point, studies show that vaccines cause a 3-fold risk of myocarditis, but actually catching the disease causes an 18-fold risk.

Your 18 fold isn't entirely accurate. Regardless, I said your risk increases each time your body is exposed to the spike protein. So sure, it's 3-fold after 2 doses. But, where is it at after 4 shots? 6-fold increase? What about when you have to boost again next year... The safety profile of the vaccine changes/diminishes the more it's used. So yes, it absolutely makes sense to start weighing the risk vs reward based on a person's medical profile, as opposed to mandating it for any and everyone. I've never said the vaccine shouldn't be used at all. All I'm saying is that the data clearly indicates that we require a more nuanced approach to its administration.


Do we know for a fact that the government is not funding this type of research? Got a source?

While I agree that the vaccine does not reduce viral load, vaccines are not always intended to completely prevent infection -- we've been over this. They make infection less likely, and if it does happen, they make symptoms less severe -- the COVID vaccines are accomplishing this part very well. There are vaccine risks, but they're all so much lower in occurrence and more mild than actually catching the thing. All these adverse vaccine reactions are a nothing-sandwich when compared to the risks of the disease itself.

As for the myocarditis point, studies show that vaccines cause a 3-fold risk of myocarditis, but actually catching the disease causes an 18-fold risk.

"Myocarditis and an associated risk, pericarditis (inflammation around the heart) have previously been linked to the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines themselves, particularly among adolescent boys and young men. But the risk is far higher after infection with COVID-19, according to the new paper by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)." ..."The CDC study pointed to a paper by Israeli researchers published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine that found that messenger RNA vaccines increased the risk of myocarditis three-fold. That paper showed COVID increased the chances of developing myocarditis 18-fold, roughly in line with the new CDC study."

Myocarditis risk higher for COVID than for vaccines: study (
Of course the government is funding this type of research. Immune response to vaccination after COVID-19 | National Institutes of Health (NIH) and this as well as this


Autocross Champion