The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
Hates Jon Stewart
Llikes deep dish pizza
Thinks 9/11 was a inside job

Three are banned
I'm really enjoying watching Jay turn into zrick when deep dish casserole comes up. Ignoring evidence, outlandish claims, hopeless devotion to something with no redeeming qualities...

Deep dish is the Trump of pizza. Sloppy, doughy, gross, and unpleasant, but strangely appealing to people with poor taste and judgement.


The Fixer
And again, it shows what a coward you are. If I truly believed that Trump illegally stole the election, I'd fight to death to stop it. If you truly believe what you're saying, you're a traitor to your country for not acting if you think the election was really illegally stolen. And if you don't really believe it, you're a traitor for damaging democracy and inciting others.

Either way, you're a POS
Thanks for the feedback.
First, I do believe it and I AM acting on the intelligence I've seen. Am I going to storm Congress with my Glock, no I'm not stupid.
Second, I am fighting for Democracy by using my free speech to alert others. I'm the modern day Paul Revere, Beastie Boys wrote a song about me.
I would love to motivate you with muh evidence, which I have posted numerous times in the thread. But as you like to point out, it's the internet so none of us are real and this conversation never happened.


The Fixer
I'm really enjoying watching Jay turn into zrick when deep dish casserole comes up. Ignoring evidence, outlandish claims, hopeless devotion to something with no redeeming qualities...
Another week, you'll all be turning into Zricks. Or lizards. YOU CHOOSE.


The Fixer


The Fixer


The Fixer
There are many stories like this...


Autocross Champion
Zrick has become too lazy to mask his confirmation bias, and is just posting tweets from his eViDenCe SouRcEs


The Fixer


The Fixer
You guys have Stockholm and Munchausen syndromes...


The Fixer
Zrick has become too lazy to mask his confirmation bias, and is just posting tweets from his eViDenCe SouRcEs
Anecdotal evidence. I will admit I don't have the coroner's signature, but when enough people say the sky is falling you should probably look up.


Autocross Champion
Fight Racism....burn all your dead presidents


EDIT: You can keep the $5's......Lincoln gets a pass
Lincoln himself wrote that he'd keep slavery if it meant maintaining the union. He was only mildly bothered by slavery. The nonsense that he was was going abolish slavery was just a bunch of southern zrickety's spreading fake news to incite war.