The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


I guess I did mean at will. At will and right to work laws are both conservative attacks on workers.
Yeah, you know, having spend my entire career in some form of Government service, I never understood either.

The "at will" (most states) is really not quite as awful as it sounds as employers still need to comply with Federal employment laws.

Right to work is equally misunderstood as it is really a "right to unionize" or a "requirement to unionize" in certain states and industries.

Either way, both "at will" and "right to work" are archaic policies that need to be revisited.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
It's pretty funny how you guys ignored Trump literally sounding like a mental retard having a stroke for 5 years, but Biden making a gaffe is news worthy.
probably because trump was miniscule compared to liberals absolutely losing their shit the entire time

for example, remember how the entire time democrats shouted russia stole the election and then after 2020 it suddenly became impossible to rig the election


Autocross Champion
Honestly, while Biden didnt have a good poker face on that answer he wasn't stumbling over his words, he was trying not to antagonize the dictator of a nuclear power before he meets with him a few days later. He knew what he wanted to say and would have said it right away, but he realized that wouldnt be productive and took a pause instead.

Trump is a literal mental degenerate, you all are just following your dear retarded leader and projecting his flaws onto others.
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Autocross Champion
It's pretty funny how you guys ignored Trump literally sounding like a mental retard having a stroke for 5 years, but Biden making a gaffe is news worthy.

Never forget.

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Autocross Champion
If I had kept all of the cars I owned at one point, then I'd seriously be a millionaire right now
1962 Mercedes 220S coupe
Mercedes 600
1953 (or was it 56?) 300 Adenauer
1970 300 SEL 6.3
450 SEL 6.9
My 03 Stanley Steamer would be worth more than those combined. I'll toss in my 74 Pantera also.


Autocross Champion
probably because trump was miniscule compared to liberals absolutely losing their shit the entire time

for example, remember how the entire time democrats shouted russia stole the election and then after 2020 it suddenly became impossible to rig the election

I don't remember that, because it's a nonsense straw man argument.

Russian misinformation helped Trump and there's evidence Trump's campaign was actively engaged with them. No one claimed the election was rigged.

There was no significant amount of election fraud in 2020, and what fraud there was had all been directly linked to Trump supporters, yet people like you think Trump won.