The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
We've already been through this once already. Either you want to believe the science or you don't. I don't care.
How is what I'm saying incorrect? This is exactly how the flu vaccine works -- it's not an impeneteable shield. Someone gets a flu vaccine, and they might still get the flu. The whole point is if they do get the flu, it turns into a few-day bout instead of a multi-week slog. Sounds familiar, right?

Your 18 fold isn't entirely accurate. Regardless, I said your risk increases each time your body is exposed to the spike protein. So sure, it's 3-fold after 2 doses. But, where is it at after 4 shots? 6-fold increase? What about when you have to boost again next year... The safety profile of the vaccine changes/diminishes the more it's used. So yes, it absolutely makes sense to start weighing the risk vs reward based on a person's medical profile, as opposed to mandating it for any and everyone. I've never said the vaccine shouldn't be used at all. All I'm saying is that the data clearly indicates that we require a more nuanced approach to its administration.
It's not my 18-fold risk, it's the researchers' 18-fold risk. But you should reach out to them -- I'm sure they'd love golfmk6 user Unreal1's redlines on their research.

I agree that studies should continue to be done on these vaccines.


Autocross Champion
How is what I'm saying incorrect? This is exactly how the flu vaccine works -- it's not an impeneteable shield. Someone gets a flu vaccine, and they might still get the flu. The whole point is if they do get the flu, it turns into a few-day bout instead of a multi-week slog. Sounds familiar, right?

It's not my 18-fold risk, it's the researchers' 18-fold risk. But you should reach out to them -- I'm sure they'd love golfmk6 user Unreal1's redlines on their research.

I agree that studies should continue to be done on these vaccines.

I'm on and the point is there are other studies that report different numbers.


The Fixer
Yes, but instead gov just wants to mass vaccinate everyone with a leaky vaccine, instead of finding out who really needs it. If nothing else, their approach of pretending forms of natural immunity doesn't exist only increases vaccine hesitancy. As now, people (who aren't so gullible) have to question why they're not being honest.

What happened to changing our approach as new data is presented?
Yes, exactly. If having the actual virus doesn't give you immunity, how is the vaccine supposed to work?


The Fixer
Btw, I think it's safe to assume that blood work is a lot cheaper than 2 doses of the vaccine. So, for people who are young and healthy, why not have them get tested for pre-existing immunity, if they want? If they are immune, allow them to be exempt from any vaccine mandates. Same should go for those who have recovered from an infection.

This is the science.
Funny how they told the vaccinated not to test for antibodies...


The Fixer


The Fixer