The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
He just played ‘cowboys and Indians’ with the boys and toted a Red Ryder bb gun
Actually I did. That was what was available back then. Hell I remember getting my first little handheld (the size of a smart phone but thicker) transistor radio. Seems silly now but it was amazing to be able to listen to music without a cord plugged into an outlet.


Autocross Champion

It’s not wrong at all. That wall is gonna get higher too.


Autocross Champion
Wow missed a lot.

I was into sneakers in HS. The standard 2000's ones nothing special. Air Force Ones, Shell Tops, Tim's, Etnies, DC's.

I have a pair of Ice Cream sneakers from Billionaire Boys Club that idk what to do with. All I wear now are boots, my Croc sneakers and flip flops in the summer cause barefoot is not acceptable.


Autocross Champion
Here's another bit of nostalgia that's more appropriate for a car forum. Another thing I did was when my parents would be gone for several hours I would take her 318 Plymouth Fury for some joy riding. I would take the lid off the air cleaner and flip it upside down and turn the torsion bars adjustment in the front real low to give it the classic "rake" look and then go joy riding. I was 14 at the time and never got caught. There were some advantages growing up in a small farm town.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Here's another bit of nostalgia that's more appropriate for a car forum. Another thing I did was when my parents would be gone for several hours I would take her 318 Plymouth Fury for some joy riding. I would take the lid off the air cleaner and flip it upside down and turn the torsion bars adjustment in the front real low to give it the classic "rake" look and then go joy riding. I was 14 at the time and never got caught. There were some advantages growing up in a small farm town.

I would drive around the neighborhood and back roads with my dad when I was 15 or so. He started teaching me how to drive a manual as soon as I could reach the pedals. Some of my most vivid and greatest memories are sitting on his lap at 6 or 7 and letting me steer the car once we entered the neighborhood. Driving the boat was always fun too.


Autocross Champion
Some fry's identify as chips! Like fish and chips. I don't discriminate 🤣

That's an issue of nationality, not gender :p


Chips...are as the description "chip of the old block" a chip of potato (usually thick)

Thinner versions (e.g. MacDonald's etc.) are described as "French fries"...

Crisps are again as per the description "crisp"....& those are cold & seasoned e.g. salt & vinegar, chilli, cheese & onion, black pepper, etc.

What is the Difference Between French Fries and British Chips? | Anglophenia | BBC America


Autocross Champion
It's worse than that.

This is their pure unadulterated shamelessness again. When they pushed through the Barret nomination that was the shamelessness point of no return. There is literally no principle or previous position that they won't directly contradict with their actions today.

I struggle to understand how anyone with even a shred of integrity could continue to throw in their lot with these people. Fucking embarrassing.
Yep. Apparently, Liz Cheney is the ONLY congressional republican who DIDN'T develop a taste for flaccid, orange cock over the last four years...