The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


The Fixer
Who is they?

Are you unaware of covid 19's neurological effects?
Johns Hopkins, maybe you've heard of them?
I linked the page awhile back.


The Fixer
My wife is losing her memory, but I attribute that to Ambien or maybe the vaccine.
Me and the kids are still at the top of our game, post virus.
Stronger than ever.


The Fixer


Autocross Champion
Reading is lost on this crowd.
If it's not on CNN or MSNBC, they don't care.
A recent ‘msn’ link was actually written by a ny reporter from the daily beast who’s not even listed in the about section. He posted it on his tweeter and had 3 comments from his 1k loyal followers. Couldn’t possibly be any inaccuracies there.

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
I was referring to the 'Covax' vaccine with it's neurological side effects, which unironically we are already seeing. They predict a wave of lawsuits that will indefinitely be put on hold as they wait for 'more data.' Which will be hard to quantify as they try to jab every person in the world.
why would we (US & EU) be hoarding Vacc instead of shipping it to 3rd world countries. Doesn't it make more sense to:



Autocross Newbie

COVID-19 survivors may possess wide-ranging resistance to the disease​

Funny you don't hear much about natural resistance to the virus. I wonder why that is... No money in that I suppose.
Probably because at the end of the day you can still get it again quite easily. I know a few people that had it twice within that time frame they are quoting and it actually was worse the second time for them

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
Probably because at the end of the day you can still get it again quite easily. I know a few people that had it twice within that time frame they are quoting and it actually was worse the second time for them
Quite easily? This article states a one percent chance for those with natural resistance and that is from a doctor from John Hopkins. I have had it and was exposed to two other people in my home months apart from each other and I never got it nor did the other parties become reinfected.
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Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion