The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


The Fixer


The Fixer


The Fixer
They've got great production, all the money. But the truth is the shots make you more susceptible to infection. Negative efficacy.
And in 2 days they want to put it on the child vaccine schedule. The kids aren't even at risk! They want that liability protection so no one can sue.
Pfizer already has the biggest criminal fines in history. SMH
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The Fixer


The Fixer


The Fixer
80% huh? Well, shit.
Considering the original strain was less than 1% lethal, 80% is a big number. Why is anyone doing this kind of work???


Autocross Champion
Considering the original strain was less than 1% lethal, 80% is a big number. Why is anyone doing this kind of work???
Got to love half truths and idiots repeating them.

The study was to determine the reason that the omicron variant was able to spread in a population that had an immunity to the original Wuhan strain of the virus, and whether the omicron spike protein's lead to decreased severity of the virus. They did they by creating a chimeric strain that included the spike protein from the omicron variant to the original wuhan variant.

In a mouse study the chimeric virus was lethal to 80% of the mice infected with it. This is the important part, the original Wuhan variant had a lethality of 100% to the mice exposed.

The conclusion of the study (after other testing as well, obvious but I feel I need to say it) was that the omicron spike protein was responsible for the spread in an immune population but was not responsible for the decrease in severity.

Sensationalist reporting and nothing more.
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Autocross Champion
COVID-19 reporting, no matter which political side you relate to, has been sensationalist from Day One. The fact that the Wuhan lab has not been investigated, will never be investigated seriously, that the corporate media and social media squashed every single opposition story to the COVID-19 narrative, and for a bazillion other reasons, tend to make people with an open mind very skeptical about any kind of COVID-19 research, especially in the USA. Rightly so.


Autocross Champion
COVID-19 reporting, no matter which political side you relate to, has been sensationalist from Day One. The fact that the Wuhan lab has not been investigated, will never be investigated seriously, that the corporate media and social media squashed every single opposition story to the COVID-19 narrative, and for a bazillion other reasons, tend to make people with an open mind very skeptical about any kind of COVID-19 research, especially in the USA. Rightly so.
This has nothing to do with which side of the political aisle (already a silly separation point to have when it comes to objective truth) you fall on.

This has everything to do with purposeful obfuscation of the facts to present a narrative rather than what actually happened. The story as it was presented makes it seem like BU was engineering a bio-weapon. The facts are as I presented above.

A lie is a lie...and the story that's been presented is exactly that.
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Autocross Champion
I certainly didn't say that BU was creating a bioweapon. I said that experimenting with COVID-19 to create a super virus (call it gain of function or don't, it doesn't matter) is a very serious matter and concern is absolutely warranted. This story should not have been squashed, but of course, it was.


The Fixer
Got to love half truths and idiots repeating them.

The study was to determine the reason that the omicron variant was able to spread in a population that had an immunity to the original Wuhan strain of the virus, and whether the omicron spike protein's lead to decreased severity of the virus. They did they by creating a chimeric strain that included the spike protein from the omicron variant to the original wuhan variant.

In a mouse study the chimeric virus was lethal to 80% of the mice infected with it. This is the important part, the original Wuhan variant had a lethality of 100% to the mice exposed.

The conclusion of the study (after other testing as well, obvious but I feel I need to say it) was that the omicron spike protein was responsible for the spread in an immune population but was not responsible for the decrease in severity.

Sensationalist reporting and nothing more.
Let's say you're right, and Boston University has no nefarious intentions.
Now do the gain of function research that NIH funded and Fauci denied, the many biolabs all over the world that are in direct contravention of a 1972 UN treaty against biological weapons. I'll wait.


The Fixer