The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
That's almost as dumb as the stuff Zrickey says. Does someone need to post the pissing on your leg example again?

Anyone spreading disinformation about masks is trying to kill you, Jim. That's just the reality, whether you want to admit it or not.
Okay. I don't take his opinion on masks as my own. Just the other day in a convenience store I had a guy come up directly behind me and I asked him to back up 6' because he wasn't wearing a mask. He said "why doesn't my mask work". He backed up but you could tell he had that line rehearsed. I would have asked him to back up even if he was wearing a mask.


Autocross Champion
Okay. I don't take his opinion on masks as my own. Just the other day in a convenience store I had a guy come up directly behind me and I asked him to back up 6' because he wasn't wearing a mask. He said "why doesn't my mask work". He backed up but you could tell he had that line rehearsed. I would have asked him to back up even if he was wearing a mask.

That's where people's logic is flawed (mostly thanks to people like Zrick). Your mask does work. At stopping your germs from spreading to him. It does nothing to protect you from his germs spreading to you. The mask is to protect others from yourself, not to protect yourself from others.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
That's where people's logic is flawed (mostly thanks to people like Zrick). Your mask does work. At stopping your germs from spreading to him. It does nothing to protect you from his germs spreading to you. The mask is to protect others from yourself, not to protect yourself from others.
Correction, it does little to protect you, it does help to a small degree, but you are correct that the major benefit is source control, not protection.


Autocross Champion
It does work both ways, but more so as a source control. It works best if both are wearing a mask and staying 6 ft apart, in a properly ventilated area.

And don't forget, everything we know about sars cov2 comes from the Wuhan and Italian strains. The UK strain is more infectious and looking like it's more virulent, and the South African strain drastically reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Fucking around and being an apoligist just might just get you killed yet, Jim.


Autocross Champion
It does work both ways, but more so as a source control. It works best if both are wearing a mask and staying 6 ft apart, in a properly ventilated area.

And don't forget, everything we know about sars cov2 comes from the Wuhan and Italian strains. The UK strain is more infectious and looking like it's more virulent, and the South African strain drastically reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Fucking around and being an apoligist just might just get you killed yet, Jim.
Not fucking around. I've advocated mask wearing from the beginning.
I guarantee you nobody is more cautious than me because I understand the potential threat to myself.


The Fixer
UK data shows increase in elderly deaths after vaccine. (NHS England)


The Fixer
The ultimate control group.
They don't take vaccines either...


The Fixer
Zrick never said he hoped the elderly would die. Only that they are the least likely to survive Covid. Only you would take that as him meaning that he specifically wants me dead. Even though I don't agree with him I'm sure that he wants to keep me around because I treat him fairly. Remember they call me the apologist. 😂
You are arguably the most sensible person in the thread. That's why they pick on you, they don't understand logic.


The Fixer
Fair enough about taking the thread seriously. But I think it's a very apt analogy. Zrick and his kind absolutely are a cancer to this country.
I will fight for my right to speak, and fight for your right to slander me.
That's the difference between us.