The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
Let's just think this through:
If you actually wanted to cull the population, the best way to do it would be a virus of some sort right? But then you have to worry about modern medicine and health organizations tamping it down too effectively, so first, you'd need to work really hard to discredit them, second, convince people to act against the public interest by not social distancing and wearing masks, maybe even pretend the virus isn't real or isn't dangerous, and third, you'd have to go out of your way to prevent vaccinations, maybe by fear mongering and spreading misinformation.

Starting to think zrick is trying to cull our population...

But didn't Trump run some of the largest deficits in history while still presiding over his self proclaimed "best economy ever"? Why didn't he just balance the budget? By your own proclaimed values, you should be as anti-Trump as GTIfan.
Don't try to use logic on rickey.


Autocross Champion
Why do you want billionaires to pay hundreds in taxes while you pay tens of thousands a year? We know you're not to bright, but even a moron would know that's not right.
Drumpf deserves to not pay any taxes. It is a reward for being so super smart. 😂


The Fixer
Drumpf deserves to not pay any taxes. It is a reward for being so super smart. 😂
They could easily close the loopholes for corporations and do a low flat tax on everybody. Exxon Mobil makes billions in profits and they don't have to pay a dime.


The Fixer
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Autocross Champion
They could easily close the loopholes for corporations and do a low flat tax on everybody. Exxon Mobil makes billions in profits and they don't have to pay a dime.
Anyone calling for flat tax doesn't understand taxes.

Remember, federal income taxes are just one of the taxes you pay. Almost every other tax Americans pay is highly regressive. If you make federal income taxes flat, you create a total tax system that is regressive, meaning the less money you make, the higher percentage of your income you pay.

Again, even a moron should be able to figure out that's a bad idea, but here we are....
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The Fixer


Autocross Champion
Uhhhh, I'm pretty sure that anyone who "thinks the world is overpopulated" knows that birth rates are falling drastically across the board and that the solution to overpopulation is a natural correction combined with technological advances to better handle large amounts of people in concentrated areas...

Only a fucking moron would draw the line between "over population" and "the population needs to be culled".

I wonder where "only a fucking moron" applies to this thread?


The Fixer
Anyone calling for flat tax doesn't understand taxes.
meaning the less money you make, the higher percentage of your income you pay.
Uhh...a flat tax is a percentage. The less you make the less you pay. It's not that hard to understand.
So you failed English and Math classes??


The Fixer
Twitter again flagging posts, this time calling out vaccine passports as 'misleading.' This post is 100% accurate.


Autocross Champion

Holy shit. This one, unlike most of the other fear mongering shit you post, is actually legitimate. You actually posted, an honest to god, legitimate case of someone dying from getting the vaccine. I'm in shock and awe. And I don't mean any of this in a sarcastic way. This woman got the vaccine. The vaccine caused a blood clot. And the blood clot killed her. This woman was straight up killed by the vaccine.


Right from the same link you provided.


You are far, far more likely to die from Covid than you are from dying from the vaccine. Even if, and it's a big motherfucking if, there is some conspiracy and vaccine deaths are being far underrepresented, and say, 1 in 10 vaccine deaths is being covered up and they're happening 10x more frequently than being reported, you're still more likely to die from Covid that the vaccine.


The Fixer
Twitter themselves are being misleading in their explanation by saying they are approved.
These vaccines have 'Emergency Use Authorization' only.
Makers explicitly say the vaccines are NOT FDA APPROVED.


The Fixer
Holy shit. This one, unlike most of the other fear mongering shit you post, is actually legitimate. You actually posted, an honest to god, legitimate case of someone dying from getting the vaccine. I'm in shock and awe. And I don't mean any of this in a sarcastic way. This woman got the vaccine. The vaccine caused a blood clot. And the blood clot killed her. This woman was straight up killed by the vaccine.


Right from the same link you provided.

View attachment 210426

You are far, far more likely to die from Covid than you are from dying from the vaccine. Even if, and it's a big motherfucking if, there is some conspiracy and vaccine deaths are being far underrepresented, and say, 1 in 10 vaccine deaths is being covered up and they're happening 10x more frequently than being reported, you're still more likely to die from Covid that the vaccine.
The graph is not accurate. I was able to post more deaths just yesterday than they have admitted to all year.