The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
Try reading. I summarised a 'hypothetical' paper Johns Hopkins wrote in 2017. It has been 100% accurate with the pandemic. Everything I said about it was accurate. But keep talking about 'misrepresentation' and getting likes from professional Pokémon catcher, @torga
I heard India has a low Delta surge despite low vaccination... Certainly no correlation right? I'm sure it helps they have inexpensive OTC ivermectin and other therapeutics that are being suppressed here in the West.

100% accurate if your sense of irony doesn't exist and you're a mental midget.


The Fixer
Didn't Coniglio teach you the meaning of irony the other day :unsure:
The only meaning revealed in this thread has been cognitive dissonance.


The Fixer
100% accurate if your sense of irony doesn't exist and you're a mental midget.
You obviously haven't done the homework...


The Fixer
You're right
The first honest thing you've said.
It has nothing to do with Twitter.
I'm talking about large, 'prestigious' organizations that have outlined the 'pandemic' hook, line, and sinker. Rockefeller Foundation, Johns Hopkins. Until you've read what I'm talking about, your commentary is empty and useless.


Autocross Champion
The first honest thing you've said.
It has nothing to do with Twitter.
I'm talking about large, 'prestigious' organizations that have outlined the 'pandemic' hook, line, and sinker. Rockefeller Foundation, Johns Hopkins. Until you've read what I'm talking about, your commentary is empty and useless.

You can misrepresent what the theoretical paper says all you want, but you're still wrong.


The Fixer


Autocross Champion

Gun Free Chicago Kills More People Than Fake Virus - Pick Random Pages For Grilling Agents​

title grab (y)

Grilling Agent
grilling agent.jpg


Autocross Champion
I don't completely disagree with what you're saying, but there is a big difference between catching the virus and developing real antibodies against it (hence plasma therapy), and programming your cells to become a spike protein factory.
Fwiw, I read early on there were 2 versions of the virus last year. One that was very deadly, one that was mild. Both gave useful antibodies if you recovered. Unlike the vaccine, which is basically worthless. I believe we will see that vaccine kill more people than the virus, which is what Johns Hopkins predicted in their 2017 paper, 'SPARS Pandemic.'

Is this what you're referring to?



Autocross Champion
In televised remarks yesterday, President Biden urged private businesses and universities to institute a China-style "social credit" system whereby some individuals are denied basic rights and privileges if they hold "wrong" views on matters such as health and medicine.

The new domestic “War on Terror,” kicked off by the riot on Jan. 6, has prompted several web giants to unveil predecessors to what effectively could become a soft social credit system by the end of this decade. Relying on an indirect hand from D.C., our social betters in corporate America will attempt to force the most profound changes our society has seen during the internet era.

China’s social credit system is a combination of government and business surveillance that gives citizens a “score” that can restrict the ability of individuals to take actions — such as purchasing plane tickets, acquiring property or taking loans — because of behaviors. Given the position of several major American companies, a similar system may be coming here sooner than you think.

What's the point in having all these militias if they're no where to be found when we need them most. How bad do things have to get till we decide to pump the brakes?


Autocross Champion