The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
Lindsey Graham is calling for impeachment over the 12 service members killed.


Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
Thank you for this explanation. I was already cooking up my own in response to the mask comment when I came up on your comment.

This is what happens when someone half understands something and gets adamant. Unfortunately, most of the thread's arguments stem from half understandings and half truths, such as this.

Yes, you are right. 0.06-1.4um is smaller than 20-30um. But saying that the masks don't stop these droplets at all, is incorrect. If you shot a single COVID droplet through the gaps in the cloth weave, then yes, it would slip right through -- nothin' but net. But a cough or a sneeze or even a simple breath is so much more complicated than that. It's an incredibly turbulent expulsion of gas, and droplets will get caught on the mask fibers. Some droplets will slip through, but cloth masks do a decent job at catching a large amount of them -- N95s and PM2.5 filters do an even better job. Even the source you yourself posted says that a multi-layer cloth mask can catch up to 50-70% of fine droplets and up to 50% of ultrafine droplets, <1um. At that microscopic level, it isn't like a single fish slipping through a gap in a net. At the micron level, each individual cloth fiber looks like giant, snarling seaweed trap and the tiny particles do stick to the fibers when they come in contact -- they do not bounce off. No one ever said that masks completely stop COVID droplets from escaping -- not a single person with a medical degree has ever said this. The entire point is to inhibit the spread, which masks are proven to do. 30%-50% of droplets escaped is markedly better than 100% of them escaping, wouldn't you agree? Masks work when we ALL wear them. Masks are not for personal protection, they're for protection of others.
I never stated it did not stop the droplets at all. The masks are not the solution particularly to kids who have a high rate of survival to COVID. To say masks are 50-70% ineffective paints a bit of a different picture. I would agree a little is better than nothing however many believe it is the ultimate solution to stopping the spread of COVID and it is characterized as such rather broadly.

At the end we are REQUIRING people to wear masks that are 50-70 percent ineffective for a virus with a high rate of survivability. Makes sense to me.


Autocross Champion
Lindsey Graham is calling for impeachment over the 12 service members killed.

View attachment 224154

Predictable. Despite Afghanistan being the blame of every Congressperson who ever voted YEA to be there and stay there, he's gotta do his sworn duty and blame Democrats for everything.


Autocross Champion
I never stated it did not stop the droplets at all. The masks are not the solution particularly to kids who have a high rate of survival to COVID. To say masks are 50-70% ineffective paints a bit of a different picture. I would agree a little is better than nothing however many believe it is the ultimate solution to stopping the spread of COVID and it is characterized as such rather broadly.

At the end we are REQUIRING people to wear masks that are 50-70 percent ineffective for a virus with a high rate of survivability. Makes sense to me.
You made it a point to imply that masks don't significantly help -- which is false.
Sure, children have a high rate of survival. But their grandparents don't. Plus, kids are a bit more susceptible to myocarditis from viral infections, so it's not like this is a walk in the park for them, either.
Masks help prevent infection and community spread. It's always been about nipping this in the bud. Masks are not perfect, but they are a very useful tool when used correctly.

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
You made it a point to imply that masks don't significantly help -- which is false.
Sure, children have a high rate of survival. But their grandparents don't. Plus, kids are a bit more susceptible to myocarditis from viral infections, so it's not like this is a walk in the park for them, either.
Masks help prevent infection and community spread. It's always been about nipping this in the bud. Masks are not perfect, but they are a very useful tool when used correctly.

What would you quantify as "significantly help"? I did not "imply" anything, you made an assumption on what I said.

And nipping this in the bud, that ship has sailed. Variants and the like will continue to happen, this virus is not going anywhere and will always be with us. How long do we continue this madness with a virus at high rates of survival?

Currently recovered infected with the number of people receiving first dose of virus is roughly 74% of US population. COVID recoveries and "complete" vaccination is roughly 63% of US population. When will the madness end?
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Autocross Champion
What would you quantify as "significantly help"? I did not "imply" anything, you made an assumption on what I said.
Very, very poor attempt at gas lighting.

Here's what you said. I really don't think it takes Evel Knievel to make an assumption "leap" here.
How are masks really helping again?
To say it will greatly reduce the spread is wrong.
^^Context: oddspyke saying that wearing masks greatly reduces spread.

And nipping this in the bud, that ship has sailed. Variants and the like will continue to happen, this virus is not going anywhere and will always be with us. How long do we continue this madness with a virus at high rates of survival?

Currently recovered infected with the number of people receiving first dose of virus is roughly 74% of US population. COVID recoveries and "complete" vaccination is roughly 63% of US population. When will the madness end?
Oh so because things have gotten this bad, we should just stop trying? Or am I leaping to conclusions here?
Most people are trying their best with the tools and resources they have.
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Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
How long do we continue this madness with a virus at high rates of survival?
would you prefer we do nothing while it evolves? A majority of scientists are scared/impressed by this virus. I'm def. not a scientist bet to listen to them be in awe at how adaptable/transmissible it is is kinda scary
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Autocross Champion
Thank you for this explanation. I was already cooking up my own in response to the mask comment when I came up on your comment.

This is what happens when someone half understands something and gets adamant. Unfortunately, most of the thread's arguments stem from half understandings and half truths, such as this.

Yes, you are right. 0.06-1.4um is smaller than 20-30um. But saying that the masks don't stop these droplets at all, is incorrect. If you shot a single COVID droplet through the gaps in the cloth weave, then yes, it would slip right through -- nothin' but net. But a cough or a sneeze or even a simple breath is so much more complicated than that. It's an incredibly turbulent expulsion of gas, and droplets will get caught on the mask fibers. Some droplets will slip through, but cloth masks do a decent job at catching a large amount of them -- N95s and PM2.5 filters do an even better job. Even the source you yourself posted says that a multi-layer cloth mask can catch up to 50-70% of fine droplets and up to 50% of ultrafine droplets, <1um. At that microscopic level, it isn't like a single fish slipping through a gap in a net. At the micron level, each individual cloth fiber looks like giant, snarling seaweed trap and the tiny particles do stick to the fibers when they come in contact -- they do not bounce off. No one ever said that masks completely stop COVID droplets from escaping -- not a single person with a medical degree has ever said this. The entire point is to inhibit the spread, which masks are proven to do. 30%-50% of droplets escaped is markedly better than 100% of them escaping, wouldn't you agree? Masks work when we ALL wear them. Masks are not for personal protection, they're for protection of others.

Coming in contact with 100% of droplets = infection
Coming in contact with 50% of droplets = infection

Even though you should be focused on aerosols instead of droplets, the end result is still the same.

How effective are cloth masks at blocking aerosols?


Autocross Champion
Coming in contact with 100% of droplets = infection
Coming in contact with 50% of droplets = infection

Even though you should be focused on aerosols instead of droplets, the end result is still the same.

How effective are cloth masks at blocking aerosols?
100% of droplets/aerosols spread over a larger area than 50% of droplets/aerosols. It's that easy, folks.

Or in another way of thinking -- 100% of droplets/aerosols in a given area will be more dense with viral load than the same area with 50% of droplets/aerosols.

And if more people would actually start wearing N95s instead of cloth masks, that number would keep dropping. Thankfully where I live, I've noticed a huge uptick in N95/KN95 use over cloth.
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Autocross Champion
would you prefer we do nothing while it evolves? A majority of scientists are scared/impressed by this virus. I'm def. not a scientist bet to listen to them be in awe at how adaptable/transmissible it is is kinda scary

New variant being reported in South Africa this week.

What the dimmer half of society don't get is that the virus is doing exactly what viruses do. The continue to mutate and evolve to become more effective at killing infecting and killing people. Variants without an advantage over earlier variants don't survive, those that become more infectious or pathogenic, spread and start the entire process over.

Some germs mutate very slow, see most bacteria, some very rapidly, see cold virus. Covid 19 is somewhere in the middle.

The more we can slow the spread and the more people we can vaccinate,while it's still relatively effective, the slower the mutations will come.

None of this is new or cutting edge. It's all well know and established science.


Autocross Champion
Make Regeneron and other monoclonal antibody treatments more readily available. Stop MSM and democrats from fear mongering. Anxiety and fear disorder is the second highest comorbidity risk group behind obesity, yet democrats are doing everything in their power to induce anxiety in the masses. "Warp speed" clinical trials on ivermectin and other drugs.

I don't think anyone ever said we shouldn't do anything. What most people are asking for is a common sense approach that actually follows the science and not the politics.


Autocross Champion
100% of droplets/aerosols spread over a larger area than 50% of droplets/aerosols. It's that easy, folks.

Or in another way of thinking -- 100% of droplets/aerosols in a given area will be more dense with viral load than the same area with 50% of droplets/aerosols.

And if more people would actually start wearing N95s instead of cloth masks, that number would keep dropping. Thankfully where I live, I've noticed a huge uptick in N95/KN95 use over cloth.

They intentionally ignore the role of viral load in infection and outcomes, either because it suits their argument or they're just ignorant of basic science and health care principles.

Masks aren't a magic bullet. Vaccines aren't a magic bullet. Distancing isn't a magic bullet. But done in conjunction, they reduce viral load, which reduces infections, reduces the severity of infections, and makes the vaccine more effective when it's only having to fight off a lower viral load.

This isn't rocket science. It's all well established infection control, healthcare and scientific concepts.

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
Very, very poor attempt at gas lighting.

Here's what you said. I really don't think it takes Evel Knievel to make an assumption "leap" here.

^^Context: oddspyke saying that wearing masks greatly reduces spread.

Oh so because things have gotten this bad, we should just stop trying? Or am I leaping to conclusions here?
Most people are trying their best with the tools and resources they have.
Oh lawd, another one. This is really simple, I mean what I say yet you sniveling little fucks pick words apart in order to redirect the conversation. You still did not answer my question in asking you to quantify. I will jump in and say 70% or greater would be significant yet current data shows masks do not do that.

You have taken what I have said and are reaching for straws here instead of addressing my points. And it is not a matter of "because things have gotten so bad" because they haven't yet you are sucked into the propaganda machine as everyone else. I will be clear with my point one more time...

For a virus that has a high rate of survival why are we requiring people to wear masks that are 50-70 percent ineffective at stopping the virus? Drink the Kool-Aid junior because you are currently swimming in it.


Autocross Champion
Oh lawd, another one. This is really simple, I mean what I say yet you sniveling little fucks pick words apart in order to redirect the conversation. You still did not answer my question in asking you to quantify. I will jump in and say 70% or greater would be significant yet current data shows masks do not do that.

You have taken what I have said and are reaching for straws here instead of addressing my points. And it is not a matter of "because things have gotten so bad" because they haven't yet you are sucked into the propaganda machine as everyone else. I will be clear with my point one more time...

For a virus that has a high rate of survival why are we requiring people to wear masks that are 50-70 percent ineffective at stopping the virus? Drink the Kool-Aid junior because you are currently swimming in it.
lol alright, man. Backpedal Olympian. They make you a custom bike?

You may mean what you say, but it's starting to sound like you don't understand what you say? Because no one had to jump to any conclusions based on what you said.


Autocross Champion
You're both right, but you're also both wrong. There's a big difference between protection for the user and protection for others; surgeons aren't wearing masks for their protection, it's for the patient. Surgical masks are actually a great example of something that has little protection factor for the wearer, but is effective at protecting someone else in the room. There's also a big difference between a cheap, single layer, polyester gaiter and an N95 (Unreal has been trying to point this out for like 1,000 pages). I am under no illusion that my cloth mask, over my bearded face is providing me with any real protection, but it will greatly reduce any spread of virus if I happen to be a carrier. Particle size isn't super relevant if the particles are borne in a suspension; if the mask can stop or slow the droplets or vapor, it's helping.
You smart.