The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
I argue semantics at times because you apparently don't know how language works.

"If something is dangerous, it doesn't mean it's cytotoxic." is not the same sentence as "If something is cytotoxic it does mean it's dangerous."

Let me simplify it so that you may understand.

"If something is a rectangle, it doesn't mean it's a square" is not the same sentence as "if something is a square, it does mean it's a rectangle".

Do you see now how that's not the same? Let me know if you need any other reading comprehension tips.

Can I please pay you take an IQ test, just for you to see for yourself what I already know to be true?

Yes, they're different statements. They're different statements to prove your accusation of me moving goalposts to be wrong.


Autocross Champion
Here we are still arguing semantics because he can longer defend his position on the spike.

I don't have to defend my position on the vaccine-generated spike protein because you still haven't supplied ample evidence that it's wrong. All of your sources about the damage that spike proteins that can cause are explicitly about the natural spike proteins from the virus itself, not the ones that the vaccine helps to generate. Believe it or not, they work slightly differently. Guess you really should have brushed up on reading comprehension. Remember, "a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square".


lol so wait, you think that since fetal cells were used in the development of the vaccine means that there are fetal cells in the vaccine? If lab rats are used in medicine testing, that doesn't mean the resultant medicine has rats in it.

The Japanese found metal contaminant from a machine. The vaccines don't inherently have metal in them.
Don't bother, these whack jobs love to make shit up using a couple of words from an article and twist it to mean something else.
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The Fixer
I don't have to defend my position on the vaccine-generated spike protein because you still haven't supplied ample evidence that it's wrong. All of your sources about the damage that spike proteins that can cause are explicitly about the natural spike proteins from the virus itself, not the ones that the vaccine helps to generate. Believe it or not, they work slightly differently. Guess you really should have brushed up on reading comprehension. Remember, "a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square".
Back before science was bought and paid for, they did say the spike protein of the virus was what causes all the problems for people. So let's make the body a spike protein factory? SMH
Autopsy shows spike proteins on every organ. You do you.


Autocross Champion
I don't have to defend my position on the vaccine-generated spike protein because you still haven't supplied ample evidence that it's wrong. All of your sources about the damage that spike proteins that can cause are explicitly about the natural spike proteins from the virus itself, not the ones that the vaccine helps to generate. Believe it or not, they work slightly differently. Guess you really should have brushed up on reading comprehension. Remember, "a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square".

Your only argument is something already addressed. I told you the difference between the two from the start. You're not smart enough to keep up.

The only difference between the spike created from mRNA and the wild spike is that the wild can fuse cells, whereas that ability was removed from mRNA. Other than that, they're identical..

Read it multiple times till it sinks in for you.


Autocross Champion
Your only argument is something already addressed. I told you the difference between the two from the start. You're not smart enough to keep up.

"The only difference between the spike created from mRNA and the wild spike is that the wild can fuse cells, whereas that ability was removed from mRNA. Other than that, they're identical."

Read it multiple times till it sinks in for you.

Gee, and did you ever stop to think that this small difference is what makes one safer and more inert than the other? This is vaccine design 101. Jesus, and you're the one calling me dumb. You're in so deep, you don't know up from down. You're handing me these wins on silver platters, my man.

For the record, the wild spike proteins don't fuse cells, they fuse to cells. Important distinction. Again, proving that your limited reading comprehension is the key to always being wrong.


Autocross Champion
Good call to not continue.
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Autocross Champion
For the record, the wild spike proteins don't fuse cells, they fuse to cells. Important distinction.

Indeed, and that's not what I was referring to. I was referring to actual cell fusion.

SARS-CoV-2-induced cell-to-cell fusion and elucidating how exactly IFITMs and TMPRSS2 impact syncytia formation.

Since I'm sure you're not aware of what syncytia is:

a single cell or cytoplasmic mass containing several nuclei, formed by fusion of cells or by division of nuclei.

When will you learn your lesson? How much further must I shove my dick down your throat till you realize you're in over your head..


Autocross Champion
Indeed, and that's not what I was referring to. I was referring to actual cell fusion.

Since I'm sure you're not aware of what syncytia is:

a single cell or cytoplasmic mass containing several nuclei, formed by fusion of cells or by division of nuclei.

When will you learn your lesson? How much further must I shove my dick down your throat till you realize you're in over your head..

You just keep proving yourself wrong and I hardly have to lift a finger. Again, this article is only talking about wild Cov2. Not vaccine-induced spike protein generation.

Look, I didn't sign up to teach kindergarten when I commented on this thread. You're gonna need to help yourself a little bit more.


Master Wallet Mechanic
The vaccinated are 95% of the 'severely ill' in Israel hospitals. Data in the UK is not favourable either.
But please, continue with the 'great value' scheme.
Posting a copy of a tweet to argue a point - really? Don’t believe most of what you read on Twitter, Facebook and the rest as they know enough about you to keep feeding you info, true or false to keep you online. The longer you stay online and click, the more they know about you. That info is their true product and it is for sale.