The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
This is a very good example.

It turns out the vaccine isn't going to take us back to business as usual. To many people though, this means the vaccine is totally ineffective and we've been being lied to this whole time.

The vaccine has nothing to do with the seeming inability go to back to business as usual.


Autocross Champion
Though I somewhat agree with you I am not aligned on the scary percentage of this virus. Yes, it is unfortunate people will/are dying but that is the nature of our world. I am not comparing heart disease to COVID in the sense of viral spread but merely on fatality in this country and hands down heart disease wins. If this is truly about public health then why are we not aggressively perusing and controlling all of the factors leading to heart disease?

Yes, I am a little jaded on the topic but I believe this is NOT about public health for the actions of our government tells me otherwise. And to be fair I have always been the guy to throw my finger at the man.and challenge others without backing down, it really made for a challenging childhood.
I understand and agree with a lot of your sentiments here, but the viral spread isn't a factor that can be dismissed easily. Because people view heart disease as something you just have to take personal responsibility for and can be avoided without undue burden, but the virus is something you will eventually come in contact with unless you're a hermit, they elicit different responses. On the flip side though, if you look at it from a purely pragmatic view of "dollars spent per life saved", it's very possible we're not being wise stewards of our pubic money. I have no doubt you could find 5 ways to spend the money we are now fighting COVID on something else that would save more people, but I don't think we should use that as an excuse to not fight COVID.


The Fixer
This is a very good example.

It turns out the vaccine isn't going to take us back to business as usual. To many people though, this means the vaccine is totally ineffective and we've been being lied to this whole time.
Exactly. They told you the vaccine worked, the truth is it doesn't. They have lied every step of the way.
Why? Money, at a minimum.
Let's call it like it is. These 'many people' are over 80 million Americans. That's a lot of 'zricks.'


The Fixer
You have no information to back up your vast majority of scientists claim. It's as empty as the vast majority arguments used by racists.
Some of the most prominent scientists are being dismissed and de-platformed because they disagree with the narrative.


The Fixer


Autocross Champion
The death rate for automobile accidents is around 10 per 100k population.

The death rate for covid is 203 per 100k population. It's very serious.

If the death rate from automobile accidents spiked by 20x (2000% increase) over the course of a couple months, what do you think would happen?

Massive restrictions and major changes to the way we live our lives.

What's happening with covid? Massive restrictions and changes to the way we live our lives. As expected and needed.

We will never go back to "normal" so get that out of your head. At least not for a long time.


The Fixer


The Fixer
What's happening with covid? Massive restrictions and changes to the way we live our lives. As expected and needed.

We will never go back to "normal" so get that out of your head. At least not for a long time.
It's not needed...Sweden hands down is doing better than every other developed country.
I went back to normal in January, after beating the virus. Just waiting for everyone else to catch up.


Autocross Champion


The Fixer


The Fixer


The Fixer
'People like me' are protecting idiots like you 27X better than the vaccine.
You're welcome.


The Fixer
This is where we've been for over a year.



The Fixer