The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
There is so much wrong with that article that it doesn't even warrant trying to respond to each incorrect comment.

First, and foremost, Israel is not "fully vaccinated". When you take the younger population into consideration, then they are in the mid 50% region - far too low.

The Bolivia Verifies article doesn't imply that Israel is fully vaccinated, though.


Autocross Champion
Very true. They should adhere to the rugged individualism ideal and forgo any hospitalization (especially since there are people who rightly say they had Covid and it wasn’t so bad at all, so maybe it is just like the flu, right?).
So, if the good folks, who for reasons of their own, don’t want the vax, would just stay at home and should they get it, just ride it out to whatever its conclusion, then society would owe ‘em a solid.
Then hospitals wouldn’t have to consider rationing healthcare for “regular” issues like heart attacks, joint replacements, burn victims, or whatever, because the ICU’s and general beds would no longer be full of the (oddly) ailing vax-hesitant that we are seeing today.
It’s a rare win-win: people get to live or die by their principles while setting a good example for the rest of the world, and other people can receive the care for more traditional issues that won’t put a strain on the system.

I mean, there are tweets that say the vaccine is the real danger, not the virus, so that’s a fact now.

Live Free or Die Trying! Amirite?
But hospitals do have to take them. The supreme court upheld the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare).


The Bolivia Verifies article doesn't imply that Israel is fully vaccinated, though.
Right, but the article that unreal posted said that.

In the US you can find articles that say that 80+ percent are vaccinated (70 years plus), but they are also the most vulnerable, so they'll have a higher hospitalization rate - often for something else or even a mild case of COVID that ends up killing them.


Autocross Champion
Right, but the article that unreal posted said that.

In the US you can find articles that say that 80+ percent are vaccinated (70 years plus), but they are also the most vulnerable, so they'll have a higher hospitalization rate - often for something else or even a mild case of COVID that ends up killing them.

Oh, I see. With how you replied, it seemed like you were responding directly to me.
Unreal's article also doesn't say that Israel is fully vaccinated. It just presents its numbers is such a way that makes it seem like the "95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated" is representative of the whole country, when really that number is for a single elderly-specialized wing in a single hospital.


Oh, I see. With how you replied, it seemed like you were responding directly to me.
Unreal's article also doesn't say that Israel is fully vaccinated. It just presents its numbers is such a way that makes it seem like the "95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated" is representative of the whole country, when really that number is for a single elderly-specialized wing in a single hospital.
Right. The problem with the anti-vaxxers is that they very carefully pick and choose articles that "prove" their point, disregarding overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I've posted this pefore, but it may be worth a refresher



The Fixer
Yeah, cause regular antibody testing is something you would actually submit to.

One time is all it takes for the legit antibodies. The 'different' ones the vaccine produce are useless, obviously.
The one you want is the nucleocapsid, #164068. Note that it does NOT detect antibodies from 'currently available' vaccines.



The Fixer
Right. The problem with the anti-vaxxers is that they very carefully pick and choose articles that "prove" their point, disregarding overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I've posted this pefore, but it may be worth a refresher

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There is no 'nefarious scheme,' they are very honest about censoring everyone. Especially doctors and specialists that don't play along.
The same Rockelfellers that planned this in 2010, and just spent $13 million to silence people and control your medical information.


The Fixer
Right, but the article that unreal posted said that.

In the US you can find articles that say that 80+ percent are vaccinated (70 years plus), but they are also the most vulnerable, so they'll have a higher hospitalization rate - often for something else or even a mild case of COVID that ends up killing them.

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
Right. The problem with the anti-vaxxers is that they very carefully pick and choose articles that "prove" their point, disregarding overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I've posted this pefore, but it may be worth a refresher

View attachment 225685
Bro, you do the same shit you accuse others! Are you that naive you don't even see or is it a level of stupidity you inherited?

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
What's climate science denial?
I am assuming it is where you deny the "truth" they are trying to sell you. If you question their data you must be denying their position so therefore you are in climate science denial. See how stupid that actually is? "Take our word for it and don't question because we are right and you are less right."


Autocross Champion
What's climate science denial?
It's like the "anti-vaxxer" thing. Anyone who questions "climate science" is dubbed a "denier" and is therefore, according to some, stupid. The problem is that the last ice age is estimated to have ended some 20,000 years ago. Since then, the earth has been in a warming period, save for interruptions caused by massive volcano eruptions. The current ICE age (see what I did there) is only a little over 120 years old, and is concurrent with technological developments in measuring temperatures in the earth's atmosphere and taking accurate ice core samples. Add to this the fact that ice core samples cannot be construed as completely accurate, because the top layers of ice are and have been melting, and you have some problems with extrapolation that should start to be pretty obvious. For some reason, if you admit that the earth is getting warmer but question the need to drastically alter our way of life, you get labelled a "denier".

The thing is, people who consistently argue about how they listen to the science hide behind that word as if it somehow magically makes them correct. Science is the process of searching for truth by testing hypotheses and trying to prove them incorrect. Science is not in itself a truth. The big problem with climate science is there is no control. There is no other Earth that is exactly the same size, has the exact same atmosphere, and is the exact same distance from the same size star putting out the exact same amount of heat but without industrial humans on it. (As far as we know or can measure) So there is no real way to prove that human industrial waste is the cause of all of our climate woes. It's a pretty good hypothesis, and there is definitely merit to being good stewards of the environment, but when a person points this out, they get called a "climate science denier" as if that makes them the one who is stupid.

Ultimately, we're all going to die and it probably doesn't matter anyway, but much like climate science, I have no way to prove my hypothesis.

Patiently waiting for the anger mob.