The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


The Fixer


The Fixer


The Fixer


The Fixer


Autocross Newbie
Doesn't the monarchy technically get all of the taxes anyway? Wouldn't the tax be a paperwork drill at that point? I personally don't care about the royal family, but this just seems like complaining to complain.
You don't see any issue with the "ruling" class being exempted from the laws the "peasants" have to follow? If you think about it how many taxes on taxes do you pay? Inheritance tax is the government making an assumption your "wealth" belongs(40 percent in this case...) to them....the money was already taxed when you earned it, then taxed again in some instances depending on what you decide to do with it.
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Autocross Champion
You don't see any issue with the "ruling" class being exempted from the laws the "peasants" have to follow? If you think about it how many taxes on taxes do you pay? Inheritance tax is the government making an assumption your "wealth" belongs(40 percent in this case...) to them....the money was already taxed when you earned it, then taxed again at times depending on what you decide to do with it.
welcome to Earth


Autocross Newbie
welcome to Earth
If the aliens come...I'm going to consider it a rescue at this point, and go willingly. As long as they let me delete my browser history.... :ROFLMAO:.

Working up to 4 months the year for "the man..." if enough when most of it is embezzled to special interest serving itself. For everyone who lives in the "other" thread and moonlights here...for the lulz and emoji(s)...individuals and small businesses "pay" taxes. Large corperations pass their tax bourbon on to the consumer(build it into the service or good price)...that is already paying taxes.
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Autocross Champion
You don't see any issue with the "ruling" class being exempted from the laws the "peasants" have to follow? If you think about it how many taxes on taxes do you pay? Inheritance tax is the government making an assumption your "wealth" belongs(40 percent in this case...) to them....the money was already taxed when you earned it, then taxed again in some instances depending on what you decide to do with it.
Yeah, but that's why we fought a war and kicked them out over 200 years ago.
US taxes are a completely different issue.


The Fixer


The Fixer
I think the monarchy gets a percentage of the taxes? Obviously not the whole amount because then what does the government run on. So yes, 40% tax would 'dilute' their wealth. 1776er here, so F the king. I like the Brits, big fan of Top Gear, but royals can kiss my American ass.


The Fixer


The Fixer